

Growth Adaptability Observation of Black Goats in Zhaojue Region of Sichuan Province
摘要 为了解决四川省昭觉地区本地山羊近亲繁殖和品种退化严重的问题,特从四川省凉山彝族自治州会理县、美姑县分别引进建昌黑山羊母本和美姑黑山羊父本进行杂交并观察其适应性,对引进的黑山羊及F_1代羊生产指标进行测定。结果显示:F_1代母羊平均日增重122.87 g,F_1代公羊平均日增重143.62 g,与原产地羔羊日增重相当;引进的12~24月龄黑山羊与原产地黑山羊体尺差异不大,体重均比原产地黑山羊高;引进的24月龄以上黑山羊母羊体重比原产地黑山羊高出了23.14%。说明引进品种能够很好地适应昭觉地区的环境,且引进黑山羊杂交生产的F_1代黑山羊能在该地正常生长。 In order to solve the problems of inbreeding and serious variety degeneration in local goats in Zhaojue Region of Sichuan Province, the hybrid experiment was conducted with Jianchang black goats as female parent and Meigu black goats as male parent which were introduced from Huili County and Meigu County of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province, respectively. The growth adaptability of the crossbred black goats in Zhaojue Region was observed and the productive parameters of the introduced black goats and crossbred F1 goats were determined. The results showed that the average daily weight gain of the crossbred F1 female goats and male ones were 122.87 g and 143.62 g, respectively, which were similar to that in the origin; there were no obvious differences in body size trait between the introduced 12- to 24-month-old black goats and their counterparts in the origin, while the introduced ones had higher body weight compared to the ones with the same age in the origin; the body weight of the introduced female black goats older than 24 months was 23.14% higher than that of the ones with the same age in the origin. The combined data suggest that the introduced black goats have good adaptability to the environment in Zhaojue Region and the crossbred F1 black goats produced by the introduced black goats have normal growth performance in this region.
作者 何春 刘晓波 何子拉 陈刚 陈艳 HE Chun, LIU Xiao-bo, HE Zi-la, CHEN Gang, CHEN Yan(Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture,Xichang 615000,China)
出处 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2018年第6期99-101,共3页 Animal Husbandry and Feed Science
关键词 建昌黑山羊 美姑黑山羊 生产性能 适应性观察 昭觉地区 Jianchang black goats Meigu black goats productive performance adaptability observation Zhaoj ue Region
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