
封闭式虾池水体环境因子变化及浮游微藻优势种群演替规律 被引量:2

Variation of Environmental Factors and Dominant Population Succession of Microalgae Planktonic in Closed Shrimp Pond
摘要 为分析封闭式虾池水质环境因子季节变化对浮游微藻群落结构的影响,对虾池水体的温度、p H、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和叶绿素a含量等环境因子进行测试,分析同期水体中浮游微藻群落结构及优势种群变换,解释在没有外来水源干扰的情况下微藻群落对环境因子变化的响应。结果表明,养殖池塘水温和总磷(TP)含量从4月至9月底逐渐上升,10月起开始下降,至次年1月达到最低;p H先下降后升高;总氮(TN)和叶绿素a含量先升高后下降。养殖初期(4~5月)为小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)、舟形藻(Navicula sp.)、波吉卵囊藻(Oocystis borgei)和四尾栅藻(S.quadricauda);中期(6~7月)为衣藻(Chlamydomonas sp.)、小球藻(Chlorella sp.)、四尾栅藻、多芒藻(Golenkinia radiata)和假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabeana);中后期(8~9月)为微囊藻(Microcystis)、假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabeana)、小球藻和四尾栅藻;后期(10~12月)为微囊藻、假鱼腥藻、颤藻(Oscillatoria sp.)和小球藻;末期(12月后)为小球藻、多芒藻和四尾栅藻。优势微藻种群演替与环境因子变化密切相关,在低温、氮磷营养较低且N/P较高和有一定盐度的早期水体中以硅藻和绿藻为主;随着温度回升、水体完全淡化和氮磷营养的积累,以绿藻为优势种群;高温和富营养化状态下的中后期蓝藻成为强优势种群,其中也有喜高温和耐污染的绿藻;后期以蓝藻为绝对优势,水温下降后变成以绿藻为优势种,池中浮游微藻生物量减少。 In order to investigate the influence of closed type changes of water quality in shrimp pond environmental factors season on the community structure of planktonic microalgae, test the isolated experiments of pond water temperature,p H,total nitrogen(TN),total phosphorus(TP) and the content of chlorophyll a,and analyse the the same period in water transformation of planktonic microalgae community structure and advantage to explain in foreign sources under the condition of no interference on microalgae community changes in response to environmental factors. The results show :pond water temperature and TP content from April to the end of September increased gradually, declined in October. p H value changed first down, then up.The total nitrogen(TN) and the content of chlorophyll a from the beginning of December has been on the rise after the fall.The advantage of microalgae breeding in early succession are Cyclotella sp.,Navicula sp.,Oocystis borgei and S.quadricauda,and Chlamydomonas sp.,Chlorella sp.,S.quadricauda,Golenkinia radiata and Pseudanabeanain in medium-term, and Microcystis,Pseudanabeana,Chlorella sp. and S.quadricaudain the later period,and Microcystis,Pseudanabeana,Oscillatoria sp.and Chlorella sp. in the late,and Chlorella sp.,Golenkinia radiate,S.quadricauda in the late. The change of population succession and environmental factors closely related to the advantages of microalgae in low temperature,nitrogen and phosphorus are low and high N/P and early water salinity in diatoms and green algae;with the rise of temperature,water desalination and total nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in algae is the dominant species of high temperature and rich;the nutrition condition of the late strong cyanobacteria became the dominant species,which has its high temperature and algae pollution resistant; late by cyanobacteria is the absolute advantage,the temperature decreased to chlorophyta was the dominant species of planktonic microalgae biomass pool decreased.
作者 陈加雄 李伟滨 陈伟洲 马庆涛 陈楷亮 CHEN Jia-xiongl;LI Wei-bin;CHEN Wei-zhou;MA Qing-tao;CHEN Kai-liang(South China Sea Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy Seienees,Guangzhou 510301,China;College of Seienee,Shantou University,Shautou 515063,Guaugdoug,China;Shautou Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Shautou 515041,Guaugdoug,China)
出处 《湖北农业科学》 2018年第11期29-31,45,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2016A020222023) 汕头科技计划项目(汕府科[2015]132号之93)
关键词 封闭式虾池 环境因子 浮游微藻 种群 演替 closed ponds environmental factors microalgae population succession
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