
梅岭国家森林公园声景观的游客调查评价 被引量:17

Evaluation of Tourist Survey of Soundscape in Meiling National Forest Park
摘要 【目的】发掘森林声景设计手法来指导城市公共空间的声景设计。【方法】以梅岭国家森林公园声音景观为研究对象,通过实地勘测和问卷调查方式对单个声源和整体声景观进行评价。单个声源评价方法为评价者对调查问卷提供的26种声音以即时的身临其境之感进行主观喜好度评价,评价等级分为5级,以统计平均值方式进行喜好程度的判定;四季声景观总体评价以响度、协调度、舒适度和满意度为评价指标,首先对各个指标在四季中的结果进行统计,以计算平均值法比较四季中各个指标的变化趋势,了解游客在四季中对整体声景的主观评价。【结果】游客在不同季节对不同声源的喜好度有差别,各声景类型受喜爱程度表现为自然声>历史文化声>人工声>机械声;整体声景的评价表明,游客对梅岭森林公园声景观现状满意度较高;四季中,响度、协调度、舒适度都会影响整体满意度的评价,其中协调度、舒适度越高,总体满意度越高;春夏季响度越高,满意度评价越低,而秋冬季满意度与响度相关性不大。【结论】在后期森林景观规划和声景观设计与营造中,应综合考虑声音响度对人的影响,增加鸟鸣声、流水声等人们喜爱的声源,隔离或规避鸣笛声、施工声等人们反感的声源,从而提高整体声景观的满意度。 【Objective 】To guide soundscape design for public urban sites by exploring design techniques in forest soundscape.【Methods 】The soundscape of Meiling National Forest Park was studied through field investigation and questionnaire survey in order to evaluate single sound source and overall soundscape. The single sound source evaluation method is to evaluate reviewers’ subjective preferences of the 26 sounds provided by the questionnaire with the feeling of being there. The evaluation was graded in 5 levels,and the degree of preference was determined by statistical means. The overall evaluation of the soundscape in four seasons was based on loudness,coordination,comfort,and satisfaction. First,the results of each indicator in the four seasons were counted,and the mean value method was used to compare the trends of each indicator in the four seasons,and to understand the subjective evaluation of the overall soundscape by tourists in the four seasons.【Results】Visitors have different degrees of preference for different sound sources in different seasons.According to the types of soundscape,the degree of preference was expressed in a rank as natural sounds 〉 historical and cultural sounds 〉 artificial sounds 〉 mechanical sounds. The evaluation of the overall soundscape indicated that the tourists had high satisfaction with the soundscape of the Meiling Forest Park. For four seasons,loudness,coordination,and comfort all affected the evaluation of overall satisfaction,the higher the degree of coordination and comfort,the higher the overall satisfaction. The higher the loudness in spring and summer,the lower the satisfaction,while the degree of satisfaction in autumn and winter was not related to the loudness.【Conclusions】In the later forest landscape planning and soundscape design and construction,the impact of sound loudness on people should be taken into account. The overall soundscape satisfaction can be improved by increasing favorite sound sources such as birds and running water,and isolating or avoiding annoying sound sources such as whistles and construction noises.
作者 李华 王雨晴 陈飞平 Li Hua1, Wang Yuqing2, Chen Feiping2(1. Vocational Teachers College, Jiangxi Agricultural University Nanchang 330045;2. Landscape Architecture and Arts College, Jiangxi Agricultural University Nanchang 33004)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期9-15,共7页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30860228) 江西省自然科学基金项目(20132BAB203026)
关键词 森林公园 声景观 主观评价 声源 forest park soundscape subjective evaluation sound source
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