

A certificateless proxy re-signature scheme with aggregate property
摘要 现有的代理重签名大多是基于证书或身份的密码系统,存在证书管理和密钥托管等问题。为了克服已有代理重签名方案的安全性依赖强和计算开销大等缺陷,结合代理重签名和无证书公钥密码体制,设计了一种具有聚合性质的无证书代理重签名方案,可将任意长度集合上的签名或者重签名聚合成一个集合上的签名,有效减少了签名验证的计算代价和通信成本。分析结果表明,新方案具有较短的签名长度和重签名长度,并且在k-MCDH假设下是存在性不可伪造的。 Most existing proxy re-signature schemes are based on certificates or identity cryptosystems,and there are issues such as certificate management,key escrow security.In order to overcome the shortcomings such as strong security assumption and high computation cost in the existing proxy resignature schemes,a certificateless proxy re-signature scheme with aggregation property is proposed by combining proxy re-signature and certificateless public key cryptosystem.This scheme can aggregate an arbitrary-sized set of signatures or re-signatures into a set of signatures,and effectively reduce the communication overhead and computation cost of signature verification.The analysis results show that the proposal has a shorter signature length and re-signature length.The proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable under the k-MCDH assumption.
作者 杨小东 杨平 高国娟 刘婷婷 王彩芬 YANG Xiao-dong;YANG Ping;GAO Guo-juan;LIU Ting-ting;WANG Cai-fen(College of Computer Science & Engineering,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1023-1028,共6页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(61662069) 中国博士后科学基金(2017M610817) 兰州市科技计划(2013-4-22) 西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划(NWNU-LKQN-14-7)
关键词 代理重签名 无证书 多线性映射 聚合 不可伪造性 proxy re -signature certificateless multi linear map aggregation unforgeability
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