
海岸硬防护与海岸软防护综述 被引量:2

A summary of coastal hard protection and coastal soft proteclion
摘要 在全球范围内,许多国家和地区的海岸和岸滩正在遭受侵蚀和破坏,我国也是海岸侵蚀的重灾区,造成海岸侵蚀的原因是多方面的,其中人为因素是造成海岸破坏的重要原因。在经济快速发展的今天,人类对于环境的一些不当行为以及全球气候变暖等现象的存在极大的加速了海岸的侵蚀速度,为此海岸防护刻不容缓。介绍有关海岸硬防护和海岸软防护的方法,分析它们各自的特点并展开讨论,为相关工程技术的应用提供参考。 On a global scale,large-scale sand beaches are being eroded and destroyed. The erosion and shoreline of shorelines and shore beaches in many countries and regions exceeds more than half of the total global coastline. The causes of coastal erosion are many,among which human factors and natural environment factors play a major role. Human factors are also an important cause of coastal damage. In today's rapid economic development,due to human misconduct and destruction of the bad environment and the existence of global warming phenomena,the erosion rate of the coast is greatly accelerated. China is the hardest hit by coastal erosion. This should be taken seriously. The significance of the existence of coastal protection is to protect the coast from erosion and to prevent the deposition of sludge that is not conducive to the coast. This article will introduce the respective features of coastal hard protection and coastal soft protection,introduce some methods in detail,and discuss these methods,which will provide convenient construction and application for future engineering and technical personnel.
作者 祝贺新 孟祥吉 于林平 刘欢 Zhu Hexin;Meng Xiangji;Yu Linping;Liu Huan(Dalian Ocean University,College of Ocean and Civil Engineering,Dalian 116023China;Beijing Branch,China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Limited Company,Beijing 100000,China)
出处 《山西建筑》 2018年第15期235-237,共3页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 海岸侵蚀 硬防护 软防护 coastal erosion hard protection soft prot ect i on
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