

Engineering Applications of Efficient Pulse Compression with Multiple Working Modes Based on FPGA
摘要 针对现代雷达系统功能需求多样化、处理数据量大的特点,提出一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)处理平台的多模式高效频域脉冲压缩方法。其快速傅里叶变换(FFT)模块采用复式FFT结构,其运算能力比基-4 Burst I/O结构提高了一倍;参考函数模块采用实时查表法,根据发射信号基本参数对参考信号进行实时生成;脉冲压缩模块进行了知识产权(IP)核封装处理,使其既能通过灵活配置适应多工作模式实用需求,又能够便利地移植和复用。采用此方法在基于Virtex-7 FPGA硬件平台上进行试验验证,结果表明,该方法能够高效地实现8192点至32768点脉冲压缩处理,处理点数多,实时性高,且处理结果满足航天工程应用要求。 According to the characteristics of the multiple function requirements and mass data processing in modern radar system,an efficient frequency-domain pulse compression approach with multiple working modes based on field programmable gate array( FPGA) is proposed. In this approach,the fast Fourier transform( FFT) is realized by a compound FFT architecture whose computing power is two times of radix-4 Burst I/O architecture's and the reference signal is timely created by the LUT method depending on the basic parameters of the transmitted signal. The pulse compression module is encapsulated in intellectual property( IP) core so that it can be configured flexibly to meet the requirements of the multiple working modes and easy transplantation. The experimental results based on the Virtex-7 FPGA hardware platform show that from 8192 to 32768 points the compression is efficiently realized with excellent real-time characteristics.In addition,the processing results of the approach can meet the requirements of the aerospace engineering practice.
作者 李翱 于勇 褚超 张振华 LI Ao;YU Yong;CHU Chao;ZHANG Zhen-hua(Beijing Research Institute of Telemetry,Beijing 100076,China)
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期697-701,共5页 Journal of Astronautics
关键词 卫星载荷 FPGA 脉冲压缩 复式FFT结构 实时处理 Satellite payload FPGA Pulse compression Compound FFT architecture Real-time processing
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