

User innovativeness prediction based on an involvement-emotion-cognition framework
摘要 随着互联网行业的兴起,新兴企业对产品创新需求日趋强烈.从海量潜在在线用户中识别创新用户并获取其对新产品的需求,是企业进行产品创新的一个有效途径.然而基于现有用户特征理论和市场细分模型并不能自动有效识别创新用户.因此,本研究基于用户创新特征的3个维度(参与、情感和认知),构建一个可预测在线社区用户创新性的综合细分框架.此框架通过提取与用户创新特征相关联维度,结合本研究挖掘方法处理海量在线用户数据,计算出用户的创新等级预测用户创新性,从而有效识别不同创新能力的在线用户群体.通过对某在线社区的例证分析,证实该框架有效可为. With the development of the internet industry in recent years,the demand for product innovation is increasing in emerging enterprises,from large potential online users and acquiring their demand for new products is an effective way for enterprises to innovate their products. However,existing market theories and segmentation models fail to achieve such purpose. This study proposes an integrated customer segmentation framework for the prediction of innovative users based on three user innovation characteristics( i. e.,involvement,emotion and cognition). Combining text mining methods,this framework is able to predict innovative users from massive online user data by calculating the users' innovation level based on extracted users' innovation features. At last,a case study with data from a well-known Chinese online user-generated-content community is conducted and verifies the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
作者 陈星宇 周展 黄俊文 陶达 CHEN Xingyu;ZHOU Zhan;HUANG Junwen;and TAO Da(College of Management,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,Guangdong Province,P.R.China;Institute of Human Factors and Ergonomics,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,Guangdong Province,P.R.China)
出处 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期426-431,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen University(Science and Engineering)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71502111) 广东省普通高校重大项目资助项目(2016WZDXM006)~~
关键词 市场营销 用户研究 创新用户 参与-情感-认知框架 关键词提取 创新等级 marketing user research innovative users involvement-emotion-cognition framework keyword extraction innovation index
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