
高校入党积极分子党课教育现状及创新路径探析 被引量:2

Analysis on the Status Quo and the Innovation Path of Party Class Education for College Party Activists
摘要 党课作为入党积极分子培养中的重要环节之一,在党性教育、党的理论知识教育、思想政治教育中占据重要的地位。目前一些高校入党积极分子党课教育中存在着教育理念滞后于社会形势的发展、教学内容尚不能充分反映时代社会变革、教学形式单调缺乏与学生的有效互动等问题,影响了教学效果。因此,创新高校入党积极分子党课教育迫在眉睫。一方面,应依托党课教育研讨小组设置具有针对性和时效性的入党积极分子党课教育课程,另一方面,应充分利用丰富的网络社交媒体全面调动大学生入党积极分子学习的主动性和积极性。在党课教育中,可将"灌输式"党课教育转变为"体验式"党课教育,开设"榜样式"党课教育课程,开展"自主式"党课教育环节,引进"故事式"党课教育模式,同时建立长期有效的监管制度以强化党课教育实效。 As one of the important links in cultivating party activists, the Party lecture plays an important role in party spirit education, ideological and political education and theoretical knowledge education of the Party. At present, there are some problems in the Party class education of activists in colleges and universities. For example, the education concept lags behind the development of the social situation, the teaching content cannot fully reflect the social changes of the times and the teaching form is monotonous and lacks effective interaction with students. These all affect the teaching effect. Therefore, it is imperative to innovate the Party class education for college activists. On the one hand, the seminar group of Party class education should be relied on to set up targeted and time-efficient Party lecture for activists. On the other hand, online social media should be made full use of to fully mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of college Party activists. In Party class education, the inculcative education can be transformed into experiential education, the fine example education lecture should be offered, the self-directed education link should be carried out and the story-style education model should be introduced. Meanwhile, the long-term effective supervision system should be set up to strengthen the effectiveness of Party class education.
作者 李冰 赵怀璧 Li Bing;Zhao Huaibi(Department of Economics and Management,North China Electric Power University,Baoding,Hebei 071003,China;North China Electric Power University,Baoding,Hebei 071003,China)
出处 《保定学院学报》 2018年第4期108-112,共5页 Journal of Baoding University
基金 华北电力大学校级项目"以‘微课’为契机的院系党课教学模式探讨"(41040211)
关键词 高校 党课 思想政治教育 教育创新 colleges and universities Party class education ideological and political education educational innovation
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