
帕罗西汀联合叶酸与单用帕罗西汀治疗原发性早泄疗效及血浆5-HT水平的对比研究 被引量:3

Comparative study on paroxetine combined with folic acid and paroxetine in the treatment of primary premature ejaculation and plasma 5-HT level
摘要 目的对比单用帕罗西汀及联合叶酸治疗原发性早泄的有效性并比较两组患者治疗前后血浆五羟色胺(5-HT)水平变化。方法筛选成都市363医院泌尿外科门诊原发性早泄患者126例,将入选样本随机分为A、B两组,A组单用帕罗西汀治疗(20mg/d);B组帕罗西汀(20mg/d)联合叶酸(0.4mg/d)治疗,治疗周期为8周。治疗前后以患者阴道内射精潜伏时间(IELT)及原发性早泄简表(PEP)来评价治疗效果;同时检测两组患者治疗前后血浆5-HT水平,并用SPSS16.0软件统计分析结果。结果两组经过治疗后,A、B组平均IELT分别由1.21、1.18min提高到8.04、9.42min。B组平均IELT的提高明显高于A组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);B组PEP中各项评分及治疗后5-HT水平明显高于A组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论帕罗西汀联合叶酸治疗原发性早泄比单用帕罗西汀取得了明显好的效果,并且其平均血浆5-HT水平提升更明显,叶酸可辅助帕罗西汀提升血浆5-HT水平并改善原发性早泄症状。 Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of paroxetine alone and combined with folic acid in patients complaining of premature ejaculation,and measured the 5-hydroxyptamine(5-HT)concentration in two groups before and after treatment and compared the differences.Methods 126 cases of PE were included from department of Urology of 363 Hospital of Chengdu.Subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups,group A were given paroxetine hydrochloride 20 mg/d,group B were given paroxetine hydrochloride 20 mg/d and folic acid 0.4 mg/d,study duration was 8 weeks.Blood sample got from the candidates both in screening period and after 8 weeks of treatment.The efficiency after treatment was measured by IELT and PEP,the plasma 5-HT level was measured too.SPSS16.0 statistical analysis was used.Results After treatment,IELT of group A and group B was improved from 1.21,1.18 min to 8.04,9.42 min.The improvement of average IELT in group B was significantly higher than that in group A,the difference was statistically significant(P〈0.05);The PEP score and 5-HT level in group B were significantly higher than that in group A,the difference was statistically significant(P〈0.05).Conclusion Paroxetine combined with folic acid in the treatment of primary premature ejaculation has a significant effect,compared to paroxetine alone.The average plasma level of 5-HT increased significantly,and folic acid could assist paroxetine in elevating plasma levels of 5-HT and improving primary premature ejaculation symptoms.
作者 胥艳 袁丹 陈昌珍 刘东亮 张超 朱蜀侠 龙家才 XU Yah;YUAN Dan;CHEN Changzhen;LIU Dongliang;ZHANG Chao;ZHU Shuxia;LONG Jiacai(Department of Urology,363 Hospital of Chengdu,Chengdu,Sichuan 610000,China;Department of Urology,Bazhong Central Hospital,Ba zhong,Sichuan 636000,China)
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2018年第13期1586-1589,共4页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
基金 四川医学青年科研创新课题(Q150)
关键词 原发性早泄 帕罗西汀 叶酸 五羟色胺 primary premature ejaculation paroxetine folic acid 5 hydroxyptamine
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