
内蒙古东北部大豆气候适宜度等级及种植区划研究 被引量:20

Climate suitability grading and planting zoning of soybean in Northeast Inner Mongolia
摘要 为高效利用内蒙古东北部地区水热资源,发展冷凉地区大豆种植业,利用呼伦贝尔市、兴安盟及周边黑龙江地区近30年的气象观测资料和大豆发育期资料,采用气候适宜度分析方法,计算了该区域近30年逐年大豆气候适宜度,建立了气候适宜度评价指标,进行了基于GIS的呼伦贝尔市大豆适宜种植区划。研究结果表明,温度适宜度和水热综合适宜度≥0.6为适宜,0.4~0.6为较适宜,≤0.4为不适宜;降水适宜度≥0.7为适宜,0.6~0.7为较适宜,≤0.6为不适宜。大豆适宜种植区域为大兴安岭农区东南端;较适宜种植区域为大兴安岭东麓,适宜种植区的外沿;不适宜种植区位于呼伦贝尔市北部林区及西部牧区。在林区南部的农林交错带中,该区1 900~2 100℃积温区域为玉米不适宜种植地区,但可以大力发展大豆种植业,在调整种植业结构时可考虑在这一区域增加大豆种植面积。 In northeast of Inner Mongolia, soybean production is faced with two problems. The first is that soybean planting area is zoned with ≥10 ℃ accumulative temperature without non clear division between soybean and maize region. The second is the use efficiencies of heat and water in the area are low in the area. In order to efficiently make use of water and heat resources in soybean cultivation and promote soybean production in cool area, we used meteorological observation data and soybean crop growing phrases data in years from 1987 to 2016 in Hulun Buir, Xing'an League in Northeast Inner Mongolia, and surrounding areas in Heilongjiang Province to analyze the climate suitability of soybean in Hulun Buir. In the study, temperature suitability, precipitation suitability of soybean were calculated, respectively, with the "three basis points" of temperature and water demand in each growth phase of soybean, while the climate suitability was calculated with the comprehensive hydrothermal suitability model. Furthermore, planting zoning of soybean cultivation in Hulun Buir was conducted according the comprehensive hydrothermal suitability level in GIS environment. The results showed that for the temperature suitability and comprehensive hydrothermal suitability, ≥0.6, 0.4-0.6 and≤ 0.4 were classified as most suitable, more suitable and unsuitable. For precipitation suitability, ≥ 0.7 was most suitable, 0.6-0.7 more suitable and ≤ 0.6 unsuitable. The most suitable areas for planting soybean were in the southeast of Daxing'anling farming region, more suitable areas at the edge of the planting region in eastern Daxing'anling, then unsuitable areas were in the north woodland and western pastoral of Hulun Buir. Agroforestry ecotone in the south of forest region where accumulated temperature exceeded 10 ℃ was 1 900-2 100 ℃, which was not suitable for cultivating corn, but could be developed vigorously for cultivating soybean. This area was considered for increased soybean acreage during structural crop adjustment. The results provided reference for soybean production in the cool area in Northeast China.
作者 王彦平 阴秀霞 张昉 张煦明 乌长顺 WANG Yanping1, YIN Xiuxia1, ZHANG Fang2, ZHANG Xuming1, WU Changshun3(1. Hulun Buir Meteorological Office, Hailar 021008, China; 2. Zhalantun Buir Meteorological Office, Zhalantun 162650, China; 3. Xinba’erhuyouqi Buir Meteorological Office, Alatan’emole 021300, Chin)
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期948-957,共10页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 中国气象局气候变化专项(CCSF201606) 中国气象局核心业务发展专项(CMAHX20160205) 中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所干旱气象科学研究基金(IAM201706)资助~~
关键词 内蒙古东北部 气候适宜度 评价指标 大豆种植 区划方法 Northeastern Inner Mongolia Climate suitability Evaluation index Soybean cultivation Regionalization method
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