
考虑网络外部性和渠道权力结构的供应链延保服务模式研究 被引量:22

Analysis of supply chain extended warranty modes under network externality and different channel power
摘要 考虑网络外部性和渠道权力结构的影响,构建了两级延保服务供应链博弈模型,探讨供应链节点企业的最优延保服务模式。首先,根据现实中存在的四种延保服务模式,分别构建了相应的供应链延保服务决策模型。然后,通过对四个决策模型的均衡求解和对比分析,探讨供应链节点企业的最优延保服务模式,发现:1)四种模式下的延保服务售价、延保服务质量、商品销量、延保服务销量均与网络外部性强度正相关,商品零售价与网络外部性强度负相关,供应链节点企业利润及供应链系统总利润均与网络外部性强度正相关。2)网络外部性强弱以及制造商和零售商的延保服务成本水平高低,提供延保服务的一方在其主导的供应链系统中可以获取更高的收益。3)当部分消费者选购延保服务时,供应链主导方均有占优的延保服务模式,而从属方的最优延保模式需取决于网络外部性强度和双方延保服务成本水平的差异大小。4)当全部消费者都购买延保服务时,制造商和零售商的最优延保服务模式均取决于网络外部性强弱和双方延保服务成本水平的差异大小。5)当制造商和零售商面临相同的延保服务成本水平时,无论消费者是否全部购买延保服务和网络外部性强弱,主导企业选择由从属企业提供延保服务是最优的延保模式。最后,采用算例对所得到的结论进行了验证。 Making profit by offering extended warranty(EW)as new service has attracted extensive attention of node enterprises in the supply chain system. The channel power structure plays an important role in supply chain system performance, as well as EW service mode. According to different channel power structure and EW service suppliers, there are four kinds of EW service modes. However, few studies compare the four kinds of EW service modes, discuss which EW service mode is the best, and analyze the impact of channel power structure on the choice of supply chain EW service mode. Meanwhile, the supply chain system is also deeply influenced by network externality under the network economic era. The network externality will make decision-making and supply chain system coordination appear to have new characteristics and laws. However, there are few researches considering the influence of network externality on supply chain decision-making with extended warranty service. Considering the effect of network externality and channel power structure, we construct a two-level supply chain model with EW service to explore the optimal extended warranty service business mode for node enterprises and supply chain system. Firstly, we construct decision models according to the four extended warranty modes. After that, we study equilibrium solutions and conduct a comparative analysis of the four decision models to explore the optimal extended warranty service business mode. Finally, some numerical examples are presented for further analysis. The results show five important findings. First, the network externality has significant influence on enterprise decisions. The product order quantity, EWprice, EW service quality, EW sales quantity, and the profit of enterprises in the supply chain, as well as the total profit of the supply chain system have positive correlations with network externality, while product retail price is negatively related to the network externality. Second, no matter whether all consumers buy the extended warranty service, how strong the network externality is, and how high the extended warranty service cost level of manufacturer or retailer is, the one who is leading the supply chain system can receive more benefits from it. Third, when only some consumers buy extended warranty service, the one who performs stronger will prefer to let the weaker one provide extended warranty service. The optimal model for subordinate one depends on the strength of network externality and the difference of extended warranty service level. Fourth, when all consumers choose to buy extended warranty service, both the optimal extended warranty service model for manufacturer and retailer depend on the strength of network externality and different levels of extended warranty service. Fifth, when manufacturer and retailer have same level of service cost, the subordinate one providing extended warranty is the best mode for node enterprises as well as supply chain system.
作者 易余胤 张永华 姚俊江 YI Yu-yin;ZHANG Yong-hua;YAO Jun-jiang(School of Management,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期92-104,共13页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71571086) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2014A030313391) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(12JNQM002) 暨南大学管理学院重点学科建设育题基金资助项目(GY14005)
关键词 延保服务 网络外部性 博弈论 渠道权力 供应链 Extended warranty Network externality Channel power Game theory Supply chain
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