
构建“慈善+扶贫+产业”的新型农村养老模式 被引量:11

Construction of A New Model of Rural Elderly Care "Charity+Poverty Alleviation+Industry"
摘要 在公办、民营、公建民营等机构养老模式尚无法充分满足中国农村老年人养老需求的社会背景下,"慈善+扶贫+产业"的新型养老模式在农村地区应运而生。"慈善+扶贫+产业"的农村新型养老模式通过慈善奠基、扶贫保障、产业支撑、机构承接、需求导向等特质,链接、整合了社会、政府、市场、机构、个人等多个层面的资源,最大限度地发挥了社会和民间资本的力量。"慈善+扶贫+产业"的新型养老模式具有显著的成本和价格优势,具备可持续发展的能力,在照护失能、失智、高龄、重病、低保、五保、贫困等需要兜底的农村困境老人方面具有独特的价值,对于完善当前我国农村机构养老服务体系意义重大。因此,应从以下几个方面着手构建"慈善+扶贫+产业"的新型农村养老模式,以适应当前我国农村老年人养老的现实需求:完善慈善融资渠道,实现慈善、扶贫、产业三要素与机构养老的有机结合,精确瞄准服务对象,提升机构服务能力。 Under the social background that public old-age care institutions,private old-age care institution and a mixture of the two can not effectively meet needs of rural elderly,a new old-age care model called " Charity+Poverty Alleviation+ Industry" has come into being in the rural areas. This new model links and integrates the resources of society,government,market,institutions and individuals through the foundation of charity,the support of poverty alleviation,the support of the industry,the undertaking of the institutions,and the demand orientation,so as to maximize the strength of the social and private capital. It has significant cost and price advantages,and has the ability of sustainable development. It has unique value in caring for disabled elderly,demented elderly,old age people,sick elderly,poor old man,supporting old man,the elderly poor and others. What is especially important is that it can effectively fill the vacancy of the rural institution-care service system in our country. Therefore,we should set out from the following aspects to build a new rural old-age mode of " charity + poverty alleviation + industry",in order to meet the current needs of the elderly in rural areas of our country: improving the financing channels of charity,realizing the effective link between the poverty alleviation guarantee and the institution-care,accurately aiming at the service object and enhancing the service ability of the institution.
作者 张明锁 韩江风 Zhang Mingsuo;Han Jiangfeng
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期62-67,共6页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“家庭政策价值导向变化背景下我国农村养老服务体系发展路径研究”(15BSH041)
关键词 农村养老 机构养老 “慈善+扶贫+产业” rural old-age care institutional care for old-age "charity+poverty alleviation+Industry" model
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