
不公平感知后的信任修复:道歉的作用机制 被引量:2

Trust Repair after Unfairness Perception: Effects of Apology
摘要 以往研究表明,不公平感知会导致个体的普遍信任受损。但如何修复不公平感知后的普遍信任,目前尚不清楚。本研究采用信任博弈范式,考察了道歉在不公平感知后的信任修复中的作用。结果发现:经历不公平对待后,道歉组的公平感知显著高于沉默组;道歉组的愤怒和厌恶程度显著低于沉默组;道歉组对陌生人的信任投资钱数显著高于沉默组;愤怒和厌恶分别在道歉与普遍信任之间起完全中介的作用。上述结果表明,在经历不公平的对待后,道歉能提高个体的公平感知,缓解其消极情绪,进而有效修复受损的普遍信任。 As one of the most important social norms of the human society, fairness is crucial to both individual subsistence and social stability. Social injustice will affect an individual's physical and mental health, and even the national sense of happiness. Previous studies have found that, after being treated unfairly, victims will not only distrust the offender, but affect their trust in the stranger(general trust). Trust is an essential component of the human interaction process. It can reduce social transaction costs, facilitate cooperation and promote the prosperity of society and economy. Damage to general trust is undoubtedly harmful to individuals and society. Therefore, finding an effective strategy to repair the general trust that has been damaged after unfair perception becomes a matter of urgency. This research selected 56 college students to examine the role of apology in the general trust repair after unfair distributions, in conjunction with trust game. The results showed that:(1) the fairness perception score of the apology group was significantly higher than that of the control group;(2) the degree of anger and disgust of the apology group was significantly lower than that of the control group;(3) the apology group invested significantly more money in strangers than the control group. The results show that when an individual experiences unfair treatment, apology can improve the individual's fairness perception, alleviate their negative emotions, and effectively repair damaged general trust. This study provides empirical support and reference for the restoration and reconstruction of general trust after unfair events in social life, and help rebuild social trust.
作者 陈晨 袁博 李伟强 CHEN Chen;YUAN Bo;LI Wei-qiang(Department of Psychology,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China)
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2018年第4期15-20,共6页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
关键词 不公平感知 道歉 信任修复 普遍信任 unfairness perception apologize trust repair general trust
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