
不同土壤养分条件下克隆整合对薇甘菊忍耐埋藏能力的影响 被引量:2

Effects of clonal integration on tolerance to burial in Mikania micrantha under different soil nutrient conditions
摘要 克隆植物可通过克隆整合较好地适应逆境胁迫,克隆整合对克隆植物忍耐逆境胁迫能力的促进作用可能随环境条件而异。本文以海南恶性入侵植物薇甘菊为对象,通过温室盆栽实验,研究不同土壤养分条件下(低或高)克隆整合对薇甘菊匍匐茎克隆片段(具2个节)忍耐部分分株被埋藏(仅远端分株被埋藏)能力的影响。结果表明:当远端分株被埋藏3 cm时,无论有无克隆整合,其均有较高的出苗率;当远端分株被埋藏入土壤6 cm时,克隆整合显著提高了其出苗率(从不足17%提高到67%),且这些结果不受土壤养分条件的影响。对于近远端均出苗的克隆片段,埋藏深度、是否保持克隆连接对克隆片段的总生物量未见显著影响,尽管近端或远端分株生物量可能受到影响。即便是对远端分株埋藏6cm的处理,克隆整合也可使克隆片段的总生物量维持在和远端分株没有被埋藏时克隆片段总生物量相当的水平,且这些结果也不受土壤养分条件的影响。因此,克隆整合是薇甘菊对局部埋藏胁迫的生态适应对策之一,它能够提高薇甘菊被埋藏分株的存活,提高薇甘菊在局部埋藏胁迫下的适合度。不同土壤养分条件下,克隆整合对出苗率和生物量的影响差异不大,可能是因为不同土壤养分条件下,克隆分株间的资源输送并没有差别,或埋藏深度(6 cm)不足以使植物生长表现出差别。 Clonal plants can adapt to stressful environments through clonal integration, the effects of which on stress tolerance may be environmentdependent. With a greenhouse pot experiment, we examined the effects of clonal integration on the tolerance to partial burial (only distal ramets were buried) of clonal fragments (with two nodes) of the noxious invasive species, Mikania micrantha, in Hainan under different soil nutrient conditions (low or high level). The results showed that when the distal ramets were buried at 3 cm depth, they all emerged with a high rate, regardless of the existence of clonal integration. When the distal ramets were buried at 6 cm depth, clonal integration significantly increased emergence rate (from below 17% to 67%). These results were independent on soil nutrient conditions. For the clonal fragments with emergence of both their proximal and distal ramets, burial depth and clonal integration did not significantly affect their total biomass, although the biomass of proximal or distal ramets might be changed. Even for clonal fragments with distal ramets buried at 6 cm depth, clonal integration could maintain their biomass at a level similar to that with distal ramets unburied. These results were also not dependent on soil nutrient conditions. Therefore, clonal integration is one of the ecological strategies of M. micrantha to adapt to partial burial, which could increase the survival of the buried ramets of M. micrantha and plant fitness when subjected to partial burial. The effect of clonal integration on emergence rate and biomass production of M. micrantha did not significantly differ under different soil nutrient conditions, which may be due to that the amount of resources transported between clonal ramets had no variation, or that the burial depth (6 cm) was not enough to lead to differences in plant growth.
作者 黄乔乔 沈奕德 范志伟 王亚 刘延 李晓霞 HUANG Qiao-qiao;SHEN Yi-de;FAN Zhi-wei;WANG Ya;LIU Yan;LI Xiao-xia(Environment and Plant Protection Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Tropical Crops,Ministry of Agriculture,China/Danzhou Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Agro-Environment,Ministry of Agriculture,China/Hainan Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Control of Tropical Agricultural Pests,Haikou 571101,China).)
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期2324-2330,共7页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31500462) 中国热带农业科学院基本科研业务费专项资金(1630042018011 1630042017017)资助
关键词 植物入侵 克隆植物 克隆片段 逆境胁迫 plant invasion clonal plant clonal fragment environmental stress.
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