
Urban Design Against the Background of Internet Plus:A Case Study of Hipark in Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou

Urban Design Against the Background of Internet Plus:A Case Study of Hipark in Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou
摘要 Internet Plus is an important opportunity for economic transformation.At present,the research for Internet Plus in China that focuses on e-commerce,industrial networks,and Internet banking gives priority to the building of virtual Internet platform and lacks the integration of physical space design.In the context of Internet Plus,urban design of Hipark in Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou adheres to the principals of building the incubator space and services platform,creating urban space environment with distinctive characteristics,and planning sustainable development policies.Furthermore,through the carrier of ispace,the featured context of water towns,and groups of block units,it can carry new industrial capabilities,create diverse living environment,and establish urban growth patterns,in order to make exploratory practice for the integration of Internet Plus with urban design at spatial level in China. Internet Plus is an important opportunity for economic transformation.At present,the research for Internet Plus in China that focuses on e-commerce,industrial networks,and Internet banking gives priority to the building of virtual Internet platform and lacks the integration of physical space design.In the context of Internet Plus,urban design of Hipark in Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou adheres to the principals of building the incubator space and services platform,creating urban space environment with distinctive characteristics,and planning sustainable development policies.Furthermore,through the carrier of ispace,the featured context of water towns,and groups of block units,it can carry new industrial capabilities,create diverse living environment,and establish urban growth patterns,in order to make exploratory practice for the integration of Internet Plus with urban design at spatial level in China.
出处 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第3期123-128,共6页 景观研究(英文版)
关键词 INTERNET PLUS URBAN design SUSTAINABLE development Internet Plus Urban design Sustainable development
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