
遮挡对光伏发电量影响原因分析及解决方法 被引量:1

Cause Analysis and Solution of Impact of Occlusion on Photovoltaic Energy Output
摘要 通过对PN结的形成、光伏特效应的分析及单块光伏组件数学模型及两块光伏组件数学模型说明在光伏组件遮挡下对光伏组件的输出特性对传统的MPPT技术进行单峰的最大功率跟踪失效,及遮挡最终导致的光伏组件间的电流输出不匹配。提出3种对光伏组件遮挡引起的电量损失的解决方法。 The Study on the formation o f PN junction, the model analysis o f photovoltaic effect, the single photovoltaic module and two mathematical models of PV module illustrates that the output characteristics of the sheltered photovoltaic components are not effective on the maximum power tracking with a single peak that is carried out by the traditional MPPT technology and that the occlusion ultimately causes the current output between photovoltaic modules to be unmatchable. The paper put forward three solutions for energy loss caused by occlusion of the photovoltaic modules.
作者 王强 胡勇 郭刚 赵鑫 程士杰 WANG Qiang;HU Yong;GUO Gang;ZHAO Xin;CHENG Shi-jie(Yunnan Huadian Duogu Wind Power Generation Co.,Ltd.Kunming,Yunnan 650228,Chin)
出处 《云南水力发电》 2018年第3期141-147,共7页 Yunnan Water Power
关键词 光伏组件 电流匹配 最大功率跟踪 光伏组件优化器 photovoltaic component current matching maximum power tracking photovoltaic component optimizer
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