

The Relationship of the Revising Music Book's Fashion and Rising of Elegant Ci-poets Group in Southern Song Dynasty:Textual Research on the ECG's Musical Background from the Angle of Music Book's Spread
摘要 南宋校谱之风始于孝宗、光宗间(1183—1194),而于理宗、度宗间(1225—1267)达到高潮。校谱多以达官显贵家为聚集中心,如四明史家、临安张家及广陵张家等,乃由贵家牵头而由门客、雅人做具体校谱工作,性质为私家校谱而非官修。所校之谱多隐晦其来源,但都有以旧谱制新谱的共同特征。校谱之风对南宋中后期的词学发展影响深远。如四明史家所校"清真谱"凭借史家长达数十年的政治影响而成为南宋中后期词风转型的"激发剂",杨缵《圈法周美成词》则巩固了词风转型的成果并促成了南宋典雅词派的最终形成。校谱不仅团结了大批词客、雅人相与切磋音律、探讨词艺,并且因校谱而逐渐形成了旨趣相似的词法。 As a matter of fact, the fashion of revising music book gradually emerged from Xiaozong Emperor to Guangzong Emperor and approached a climax during Lizong Emperor to Duzong Emperor in South Song Dynasty. For example, it is definite that in 1183 A. D. , as was recorded by the privately compiled history of Song Dynasty, Shi Hao, a retired Premier settling down in Mingzhou County, deputed his sons and nephews to revise the old music book, and assigned Zhou Zhu, his wife's nephew, to compile the Qingzhenpu, a music book for the collection of Ci-poetry of Zhou Bangyan, his great-grandfather. Shortly afterwards, Zhang Zi devoted most o{ his time to revising music book, as a nobility settling down in Lin' an County, the capital of South Song Dynasty. From 1194 to 1201, Jiang Kui, as a house-guest, tutor and friend of Zhang Zi's family, finished two pieces of music about "Jiaozhao" and "Zhengzhao", composing according to the musical style of Xingzaipu, a collection of old music books. From 1195 to 1204, Zhang Yan consigned his house-guests to compile new music book of Guqin(a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument), by collating the Gepu, a music book collection of Dasheng Musical Ministry(DSMM). During Lizong Emperor and Duzong Emperor, a tidal wave of literary association was actively started among the members of Yinshe (a literary group), including Yang Zuan, Xu Yu, Mao Xun, Xu Li, Zhang Shu and so on. These literary associations were devoted to revising music book, the work of which can be divided into four periods namely from 1241 to 1252, in 1256, from 1259 to 1264 and after 1267. Essentially, revising music book was practised by a private group instead of by an official institution, and handled by the house-guests, instead of by the nobilities, which were serving as the leaders. The music books being revised were usually original pieces, some of which may come from Dasheng Qui0u(DSMM's music book), but the origins of most of the pieces were concealed. However, revising music book produced a lasting effect on the rising of Elegant Ci-poets Group (ECG) in South Song Dynasty. Although the revisers of music book fixed their attention on the Dayue, the Guqinyue and the Shiyue, three names for the types of court music, but also invovled the music of Ci-poetry. For example, Shi Hao's family compiled the Qingzhenpu, Zhang Zi's family printed and published their collection of Ci-poetry with music book, Zhang Yan and his house-guests discussed about music of Ci-poetry, Yang Zuan compiled the Xiaweng Cipu (a music book of Ci-poetry named after Yang Zuan's esteemed name) and the Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci (a new Qingzhenpu), and so on. With the spread of Qingzhenfou via the political power of Shi Hao's family over generations, the whole style of Ci-poets World had been made to change. Meanwhile, the Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci, not only consolidated the Ci-poetry reform achievement, but also ultimately helped to shape the ECG. In fact, it was the most important criterion for the ECG to write according to the music book, rather than according to the four tones of Ping, Shang, Qu, and Ru of ancient Chinese, as was misunderstood by contemporary scholars. Originally speaking, compiling new Music book on the basis of old music book, including Dasheng Qupu and Qingzhenpu, was the fundamental cause of ECG's rising. For example, it was nearly a general thing of the Yinshe to compose their Ci-poetry based on some given tunes of three music books, including Yang Zuan's Xiaweng Cipu, Zhang Shu's Jixian Ji (a music book of Ci-poetry following Zhang Shu's esteemed name), Wu Wenying's Shuanghuayu(a selections of Ci-poetry with music book named after Wu Wenying), especially Yang Zuan's Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci, which was accepted as a prototype and regarded as a vital evidence of the beginning of the ECG. Moreover, it was by revising music book that many musicians and Ci-poets came together, for discussing how to compose their Ci-poetry with some given tunes, and gradually developed a literary formula describing how to practise writing, for which the Zuoci Wuyao (a book of guidelines for creating Ci-poetry) was created by Yang Zuan, grounded on his Quanfa Zhou Meicheng Ci. Actually, the Zuoci Wuyao provided a summary of creating Ci-poetry's methods, which included four rules concerning the consonancy of music and Ci-poetry, such as "ze qiang" (selecting the proper tunes), "ze 1ii" (selecting the proper mode), "tian ci an pu" (creating Ci-poetry based on music books) and "sui lii ya yun"(correctly using the four tones), and which presented the relationship between revising music book and creating Ci-poetry based on music books. Generally speaking, it was only the fifth rule of Zuoci Wuyao involving the Ci-poetry's content, which briefly described how to design and organize their writings, and which indicated that the Yinshe laid special stress on the musical form and relatively neglected its content. With development of the ECG for decades, the successors attached greater importance to writing technique and style of Ci-poetry, rather than stressed importance of revising music book. Hence the connection between Ci-poetry and music book had gradually been weakened.
作者 张春义 Zhang Chunyi(College of Literature and Law,Jiaxing University,Jiaxing 314001,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期158-172,共15页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(12BZW032) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(11YJA751093)
关键词 校谱订谱 四明史家 大晟曲谱 清真谱 南宋典雅词派 曲谱流传 音乐背景 revising music book Shi Hao's family members the Dasheng Qupu theQingzhenpu the ECG music book's spread musical background
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