目的探讨Osgood-Schlatter病(OSD)的MRI影像学特征及其临床应用价值。方法选取50例共52个膝关节OSD行MRI检查,对其MRI图像特征进行回顾性分析并总结、统计各影像表现的出现率。结果 52个关节中,髌韧带增粗52个(100%),扭曲39个(75%),水肿51个(98.1%),撕裂损伤36个(69.2%),髌下滑囊积液39个(75%),胫骨结节节裂41个(78.8%),水肿49个(94.2%),周围骨质水肿9个(17.3%),周围软组织肿胀48个(92.3%),合并其他损伤20个(38.5%)。结论 OSD具有特征性MRI表现,MRI是其敏感检查技术,能显示病变的不同病程阶段,有助于全面评价其病变,为临床提供影像学诊断依据。
Objective To evaluate MRI features and the clinical application value of Osgood-Schlatter disease( OSD).Methods 52 knee joints of 50 OSD patients were examined with MRI,analyzed retrospectively the characteristics of MRI images and summarized the occurrence rate of each image feature. Results Of all 52 cases with OSD,patellar tendon were thickened in 52 cases( 100%),twisted in 39 cases( 75%),oedematous in 51 cases( 98. 08%),torn and damaged in36 cases( 69. 23%). Infrapatellar bursa effusion were found in 39 cases( 75%). The tibial tuberosity were broken in 41 cases( 78. 85%),oedematous in 49 cases( 94. 23%),and circumambient bone edema in 9 cases( 17. 31%). Swelling of circumambient soft tissue were found in 48 cases( 92. 31%). Associated injuries occured in 20 cases( 38. 46%). Conclusion OSD has characteristic MRI features,and MRI is a sensitive assessment technique for OSD,which can help to identify the stage of OSD and help to evaluate the pathological changes and provide the imaging diagnostic basis for clinical management.
LI Jiashi;ZHANG Lijuan(Department of Radiology,Dongguan Chashan Hospital of Guangdong Medical University,Dongguan,Guangdong Province 523380,P.R.Chin)
Journal of Clinical Radiology