
基于负载和互感参数摄动的电动汽车无线充电控制 被引量:11

Wireless Charging Control for Electric Vehicle Based on Parameters Perturbation of Load and Mutual Inductance
摘要 无线充电系统的输出特性复杂,其自身参数的时变性和不确定性以及外界的扰动等都会导致输出特性发生显著变化,给无线充电系统输出控制造成很大困难。针对电动汽车无线充电系统的输出控制问题,首先利用广义状态空间平均法对系统进行了建模,得到了全电路和简化电路的状态空间方程。然后,基于系统的负载和互感参数摄动,在状态空间模型上建立了无线充电控制模型,设计了鲁棒H∞控制器,并进行了系统的稳定性分析。最后,通过仿真和试验验证了所提闭环控制系统的稳定性。 Complex output characteristics of wireless charging system will lead to significant changes in output characteristics due to time-varying and uncertain parameters,as well as external disturbances,which is very difficult to control the output of the wireless charging system.Aiming at the control problem of output for wireless charging system,firstly,the generalized state space averaging method is used to model the system and the state space equations of the whole circuit and the simplified circuit are obtained.Then,based on parameters perturbation of load and mutual inductance,the model is established according to the state space model,A robust H∞controller is designed and the stability analysis of the system is also carried out.Finally,the stability of the closed-loop control system is verified by simulation and experiments.
作者 王立业 岳圆 王丽芳 廖承林 张玉旺 WANG Liye;YUE Yuan;WANG Lifang;LIAO Chenglin;ZHANG Yuwang(Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences),Eeijing 100190,China;Collaborative Innovation Center for Electric Vehicles in Beijing,Beijing 100081,China;School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
出处 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第15期178-185,共8页 Automation of Electric Power Systems
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFB0100107) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51677183)~~
关键词 无线充电 负载电流估算 鲁棒控制器 稳定性 wireless charging load current estimation robust controller stability
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