
环境湿度和温度对石膏材料的固化膨胀、压缩强度及表面硬度的影响 被引量:2

The effects of relative humidity and temperature on the setting expansion,compressive strength and surface hardness of dental gypsum
摘要 目的:探讨环境湿度和温度对普通石膏P、混合石膏H、硬质石膏Y和超硬石膏C的固化膨胀、压缩强度及表面硬度的影响。方法:按湿度10%~90%和温度5℃-35%分成8组,每组制取4种石膏材料的试样,测量其固化膨胀、压缩强度及表面硬度。结果:普通石膏的表面硬度和压缩强度、硬质石膏的固化膨胀不受温度的影响(P>0.05),普通石膏的表面硬度也不受环境湿度的影响(P>0.05)。环境温度和湿度对于4种石膏的固化膨胀均有影响;4种石膏在25℃以上、湿度30%以下和90%以上环境中均会发生收缩(P<0.05),压缩强度和表面硬度也受到温度和湿度影响(P<0.05),在上述环境下均表现以下规律:普通石膏<混合石膏<硬质石膏<超硬石膏。结论:为保证较高的表面硬度和压缩强度,应尽量避免模型暴露于高温(25℃以上)、高湿或低湿(高于90%或低于30%)环境中。 Objective: To study the effects of relative humidity( RH) and temperature( Temp) on the setting expansion,compressive strength and surface hardness of dental gypsum( common gypsum P,mixed gypsum H,artificial stone Y and die stone C). Methods:Specimens of 4 types of dental gypsum were made in 8 different conditions,which differ in RH 10% ~ 90% and Temp 5 ℃ ~ 35%.Then relevant specimens were used for the test of setting expansion,compressive strength and surface hardness respectively. Results:RH and Temp significantly affected the setting expansion,compressive strength and surface hardness of all 4 types of dental gypsum( P 〈0. 05). All 4 types of dental gypsum demonstrated contraction in the conditions of high temperature( above 25 ℃),low RH( under 30%)and high RH( above 90%). In general,it was constantly observed that common gypsum showed smallest value for compressive strength and surface hardness,followed by H,Y and C. Conclusion: To get higher compressive strength and surface hardness,it is advised to avoid storing plaster model in the conditions with hign temperature( above 25 ℃) and high or low RH( above 90% or under 30%).
作者 赵鹏 陈昕 王天璐 黄炎 姜春萍 王瑞林 余丽霞 杨征 ZHAO Peng;CHEN Xin;WANG Tianlu;HUANG Yan;JIANG Chunping;WANG Ruilin;YU Lixia;YANG Zheng(610041 Chengdu,Department of Prosthodontics,West China Hospital of Stomatology,Sichuan Universi-ty,China;State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases,Department of General Clinic,West China Hospital of Stomatol-ogy,Sichuan University,Chengdu;NO.4 West China Teaching Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu;Col-lege of Materials Science and Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu;Department of General Clinic,West China Hospital of Stomatology,Sichuan University,Chengdu)
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期456-460,共5页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 四川省科技支撑计划(编号:2016SZ0010)
关键词 环境湿度(RH) 温度 石膏 固化膨胀 压缩强度 表面硬度 Relative humidity(RH) Temperature Gypsum Setting expansion Compressive strength Surface hardness
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