

On the Theoretical Basis and Realistic Origin of the Change of China's Main Social Contradictions in the New Era
摘要 党的十九大报告把新时代我国社会主要矛盾表述为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。这个新论断既有充分的理论依据,又有坚实的现实基础。它是马克思关于社会基本矛盾理论、唯物辩证法矛盾学说理论、社会主义本质理论在新时代创造性运用和发展的结果。也是从我国社会主义初级阶段的国情出发,总结我国近四十年改革开放和现代化发展成果和经验,并对新时代经济社会发展的精准判断基础上凝练而成的理论成果。它是"解放思想、实事求是"党的思想路线在新时代的新发展。 The 19 th CPC National Congress report expresses the principal contradiction of our society in the new era as the contradiction between the people's growing need for a better life and the unbalanced and insufficiency development of our society. This new conclusion has both sufficiently theoretical evidence and solidly realistic foundation. The new conclusion is the result of the creative application and development of Marx's basic social contradiction theory, materialist dialectical contradiction theory and socialist essence theory in the new era. It is also based on the national conditions of the primary stage of socialism in China, condensing the theoretical results on the basis of accurate judgment on the economic and social development of the new era. It summarizes the achievements and experiences of China's reform and opening up and modernization development in the past 40 years. And a new conclusion is also to be reached for the new development of the Party's ideological line of liberating the mind and seeking truth from facts in the new era.
作者 金玢兵 JIN Binbing(Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University,Zhuji 311800,China)
出处 《浙江海洋大学学报(人文科学版)》 2018年第3期63-66,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Humanities Sciences)
关键词 新时代 社会主要矛盾 美好生活 社会主义本质 new era social principal contradiction a good and beautiful life the essence of socialism
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