For the continuous time Markov chain with transition function P(t) on Z d + , we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of its Siegmund dual with transition function P - (t). If Q, the q-matrix of P(t), is uniformly bounded, we show that the Siegmund dual relation can be expressed directly in terms of q-matrices, and a sufficient condition under which the Q-function is the Siegnmnd dual of some Q-function is also given.
For the continuous time Markov chain with transition function P(t) on Z d + , we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of its Siegmund dual with transition function P - (t). If Q, the q-matrix of P(t), is uniformly bounded, we show that the Siegmund dual relation can be expressed directly in terms of q-matrices, and a sufficient condition under which the Q-function is the Siegnmnd dual of some Q-function is also given.
Supported by NSFC(Grant Nos.11626245 and 11571043)