
从一元到多元:合法性理论视域下中国高等教育评估政策的变迁 被引量:11

From Centralism to Pluralism: The Changes of China's Higher Education Evaluation Policy from Perspective of Legitimacy Theory
摘要 中国高等教育评估政策经历党政主导下的单一评估、社会主义市场经济的引入、社会中介评估组织的兴起、第三方评估机构和公众参与评估引入、动态评估机制和社会问责机制引入的从一元到多元的变迁,但"谁具有高等教育评估权""高等教育评估权是一个什么性质的权力"仍存在争议。文章从合法性理论的视角出发,分析我国高等教育评估政策从一元到多元变迁历程中评估主体的合法性问题具有重大的理论和现实意义。 China's higher education evaluation policies have experienced the change from the centralism to pluralism,including the centralism stage under the party and the government administration,the establishment of a socialist market economy,the rise of social intermediary evaluation organizations,the introduction of third-party assessment agencies and public participation assessments,the dynamic assessment mechanisms and the social accountability mechanisms. However,there is still some debate about"Who has the higher education evaluation right?"and"What kind of power is the higher education evaluation right?"Starting from the perspective of legitimacy theory,this paper analyzes the legitimacy of evaluation subject in China's higher education evaluation in the transformation process. And it has great theoretical and practical significance for advancing the sound development of higher education assessment.
作者 吴华溢 WU Hua - yi(Sun YAT - SEN University,Guangzhou 510275,China)
机构地区 中山大学
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期35-39,共5页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
关键词 高等教育评估 政策变迁 合法性 higher education evaluation policy changes legality
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