
产业政策理论研究新进展及启示 被引量:2

New Progress in the Research of Industrial Policy Theory and Its Implications
摘要 2008年全球金融危机后,产业政策重新受到极大关注,从学理层面梳理产业政策的逻辑有助于深化对产业政策的讨论。本文首先介绍了产业政策的内涵,揭示出其内涵的非唯一性,成为深化产业政策讨论的一大障碍;而后,遵循理论发展脉络,从传统市场失灵、市场协调失灵、结构动态演化三个层面,系统地梳理了产业政策的理论依据,力图为理论合理性的考察提供一个理论脉络的全貌。由于产业政策的理论逻辑尚未定型,政策干预正当性可能由于政府失灵而得到削弱,政策制定者对产业政策的应用应持审慎态度;针对产业政策理论研究,亟须建立综合的成本收益分析框架,引导相关理论和经验研究进一步深化。 After the global financial crisis in 2008, industrial policy has received renewed attention. This paper introduces the connotation of industrial policy, and reveals the non uniqueness of its connotation, which is a major obstacle to deepening industrial policy discussion. Following three aspects of the traditional market failure, the failure of the market coordination and the dynamic evolution of the structure, this paper systematically combs the theoretical basis of the in- dustrial policy so as to provide a full view of the theoretical foundation. Because the theoretical logic of industrial policy has not reached a consensus, and not been fixed, the legitimacy of policy intervention may be weakened by the failure of the government, the policy makers should take a cautious attitude to the application of industrial policy. In view of the industrial policy theory re- search, we urgently need to establish a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis framework, and guide to further deepen relevant studies both theorically and empirically.
作者 马本 郑新业 Ma Ben;Zheng Xinye(School of Environment and Natural Resources,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872;School of Economics,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期100-108,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目"中国环境规制强度的测量方法与时空异质性评价"(项目号:18XNF030)的阶段性成果
关键词 产业政策 理论依据 市场失灵 协调失灵 演化经济学 industrial policy theoretical basis market failure coordination failure Evolu-tionary Economics
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