
浅谈激励措施在医院人力资源管理中的合理运用 被引量:5

Rational Use of Incentive Measures in Hospital Human Resource Management
摘要 人力资源管理是医院管理的重要组成部分之一,当今社会正处在飞速发展的知识经济时代,人才毫无疑问已经成为了一个医院最重要的资源。是否有一支高素质的医疗队伍对于医院来说是至关重要的,直接决定医院的生存与发展。因此医院必须重视人力资源管理,并建立起与现有社会形势相适应的人力资源管理方式与激励机制,来提升员工的积极性并激发其创造性,提升员工集体凝聚力,在实现良性分配格局的基础上,留下优质的员工,提升团队质量,从而提升整个医院的竞争能力。 Human resource management is one of the most important parts of hospital management. Today's society is in the era of rapid development of knowledge economy. Talents have undoubtedly become the most important resource of a hospital. Whether or not there is a high-quality medical team is of vital importance to the hospital and directly determines the survival and development of the hospital.Therefore, hospitals must pay attention to human resource management and establish human resource management methods and incentive mechanisms that are compatible with the current social situation to enhance employees' enthusiasm, stimulate their creativity, and enhance the collective cohesion of employees. This is based on the realization of a healthy distribution pattern, leaving quality staff, improving the quality of the team, so as to enhance the competitiveness of the entire hospital.
作者 谭朝霞 TAN Zhao-xia(Panshi Hospital of Chinese Medicine,Panshi 132300,China)
出处 《价值工程》 2018年第25期55-56,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 激励措施 医院 人力资源管理 合理运用 incentive measures hospital human resources management rational use
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