
现代游记的闲适人生——以周作人、俞平伯游记为例 被引量:1

Leisure Life of Modern Travel Notes——Taking Zhou Zuoren and Yu Pingbo's Traveling Works as Examples
摘要 现代游记名家汇集,风格多样。周作人、俞平伯一派的游记,独具特色,以优游自在的审美心境,记述自然景致、日常物事的闲逸之趣。同是闲逸之趣,其风味不尽相同,周作人表现得趣味雅俗相谐,更为平民化、日常化,注重谐趣;俞平伯追求的趣味则多为闲云野鹤式、高雅脱俗的名士风格。以闲散之笔记游,字里行间闪烁着禅思理趣,看似轻松随意,朴拙闲散,实则有意味。同是闲散之笔,周作人的游记冷静、冲淡,抒情成分少;俞平伯的游记空灵、朦胧,更富于抒情色彩。周作人、俞平伯的游记营造了物我两忘的闲适之境,在天地万物与日常生活中宁静自足,关注人的本真存在,抵达自在自如的人生境界。这一境界彰显了现代知识分子对人性化的现代生命形态的追求,亦诠释了人生之道。 There are many famous writers with various styles in the field of modern travel notes,among whom Zhou Zuoren and Yu Pingbo are quite unique. They describe natural sceneries and daily things with the sense of leisure and ease. Despite the same sense of leisure,their styles are quite different. Zhou's notes suit both refined and popular tastes,laying emphasis on humorous and witty language. His travel notes are more civilian,filled with flavor of daily life. Yu pursues an elegant style,free from vulgarity. He writes in a leisurely style while Zen thinking and rational interest can be found in the lines. Though his notes look informal and plain,they are rich in meaning. Zhou's travel notes sound calm but less lyrical while Yu's notes are intangible,obscure and more lyrical. They both establish the leisure state of forgetting objects and selves. Their notes are characterized with tranquility and self-sufficiency,focusing on the nature of human and reaching the state of free life. This state shows the modern intellectuals' pursuit of humanized modern life form and explains the way of life at the same time.
作者 陈邑华 CHEN Yi-hua(School of Humanities and Communication,Minjiang University,Fuzhou 350121,Cihna)
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期82-87,共6页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2018年教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目"生态美学视域下的中国现代游记研究"
关键词 现代游记 周作人 俞平伯 人生之道 modern traveling works Zhou Zuoren Yu Pingbo the way to life
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