
浅谈初中信息技术学科中计算思维的培养 被引量:7

Analysis on the Cultivation of Computational Thinking in Junior High School Information Technology Discipline
摘要 计算思维是当前计算机和教育界较为关注的一个重要课题。因此,在中学信息技术课程的实施过程中,思考如何在信息技术课程教学中有效培养中学生的计算思维能力也日益变得尤为重要。为在初中信息技术课程中有效、全面以及多方位地培养学生的计算思维,本文首先介绍了计算思维的概念及其发展过程,然后结合初中信息技术课程的特点,重视加强学生的算法程序设计和编程能力,采用多样化的课堂教学,将信息技术与学科课程合理整合等方面给出了初中学习技术学科中计算思维培养的方法和策略,以期为我国初中信息技术学科中计算思维能力的培养提供相应参考。 Computational thinking is an important topic in the field of computer science and education. Therefore,it is increasingly important to think about how to effectively cultivate the middle school students ' computational thinking ability in the teaching of information technology courses. In order to cultivate students ' computational thinking in an effective, comprehensive and multi-faceted manner in junior high school information technology courses and provide a reference for the training of computational thinking ability in our country, this paper first introduces the concept of computational thinking and its development process, and then puts forward three methods and strategies for cultivating computational thinking in junior high school learning technology subjects based on the characteristics of junior high school information technology courses. These three methods and strategies mainly include strengthening students ' ability in algorithm and program design and the programming, adopting diverse classroom teaching and the rationally integration of information technology and other subject courses.
作者 王鸿 WANG Hong(No.2 Middle School of Fuquan,Fuquan Guizhou 550500,Chin)
出处 《科技视界》 2018年第18期171-173,共3页 Science & Technology Vision
关键词 初中信息技术课程 计算思维 程序设计 课堂教学 Junior high school information technology- courses Computational thinking Programming Classroom teaching
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