
部分发达国家保障乡村教育发展的经验与启示 被引量:10

Experience and Enlightenment of Some Developed Countries in Ensuring Rural Education Development
摘要 不管从历史维度还是空间维度看,乡村教育都是各国普遍存在的教育形态,是教育整体不可或缺的组成部分。各国在推进国家现代化过程中,均把保障乡村教育作为教育发展的重要任务,特别是部分发达国家在乡村教育发展中创造了很多具有启示意义的经验,值得我们借鉴。实行学校的分类管理、严格相关政策程序、强调实施措施的个性化,针对具体问题的解决是各国乡村教育发展的基本策略;注重师资配备、提升资源利用率,实施充足教育是乡村教育发展的底线追求;明确家长责任、建立法制规范,强化家庭教育是乡村教育发展的重要支撑;运用现代教学手段、变革传统教学方法,推进教育信息化是乡村教育发展的重要抓手。 In view of both historical dimension and the spatial dimension, rural education is a universal form of education and an integral part of the whole education system. In the process of promoting the modernization of a nation, all countries take the guarantee of rural education as an important task for the development of education. In particular, some developed countries have created many inspiring experiences in the development of rural education, which is worthy of our reference. It is the basic strategy for the development of rural education to implement the classification management of the schools, the strict relevant policy procedures, the emphasis on the individualization of the implementation measures and solving specific problems. Paying attention to the allocation of teachers, improving the utilization rate of resources, and implementing adequate education are the bottom line pursuit of rural education development. It is an important support for the development of rural education to clarify parental responsibilities, establish legal norms and strengthen family education. The use of modern teaching methods and the transformation of traditional teaching methods to promote educational informatization are the key to the development of rural education.
作者 于海洪 YU Haihong(Department of Teacher Education,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100)
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期31-37,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"十三五"规划2017年度教育学项目"集中连片特困地区义务教育精准扶贫实效评价与跟踪研究"(课题批准号:BHA170115)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 乡村教育 国际经验 充足教育 家庭教育 教育信息化 rural education adequate education family education education informatization
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