
幼儿师专学前专业课程设置问题调查与解决对策——以重庆幼儿师范高等专科学校为例 被引量:1

Investigation and Countermeasure Research on Problems Existed in Curriculum Design of Preschool Major in Preschool Education Colleges——Taking Chongqing Preschool Education College for Example
摘要 中等幼儿师范学校升格为师专后,在课程设置方面尚未形成与培养目标相契合的课程体系。构建科学的课程体系,是幼儿师专发展的重要动力,也是加强学校内涵建设、彰显办学特色、提升人才培养质量的可行路径。文章以重庆幼儿师范高等专科学校为个案对幼儿师专课程设置问题进行了深入研究,调查显示:课程设置存在实践课程薄弱,理论和实践缺乏联系;各类课程结构、比重、内容缺乏合理性;课程组织实施效果欠佳等问题,对此,提出设置课程注重专业视角,兼顾学生兴趣需要;积极探索、构建与培养目标相适应的课程体系;以及凸显实践取向,改革课程内容和创新课程实施方法等对策。 Since being upgraded to higher preschool education normal colleges from senior preschool education schools, its curriculum system has not formed a more scientific curriculum system yet, which can not fit with the training objectives well. It is also an important driving force of constructing a scientific curriculum system for the development of preschool education college, which is also a feasible way to strengthen college's connotation construction, to highlight the characteristics of college and to improve the quality of talent training. Taking Chongqing Preschool Education College as a case, this essay makes an in --depth research on the curriculum provision of Chongqing Preschool Education College. The survey shows that there are some problems existed, such as the weak practical courses in curriculum setting, the lack of connection between theory and practice, the lack of rationality in the structure, proportion, and content of various courses, and poor implementation of curriculum organization, etc. With this regard, it is suggested that the curriculum should focus on the professional perspective and take into account of students interests. We should actively explore and construct the curriculum system that is fit to the training target; In addition, we should highlight the practice orientation, concentrate on reforming curriculum content and innovate curriculum implementation method and other countermeasures.
作者 刘桂玲 LIU Gui-ling(Chongqing Preschool Education College,Wanzhou 404047,Chin)
出处 《陕西学前师范学院学报》 2018年第8期42-46,共5页 Journal of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University
基金 重庆市教育科学规划重点课题(2017-GX-185) 重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目(153241)
关键词 幼儿师专 课程设置 问题 对策 preschool education college curriculum setting problem countermeasure
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