
基于人力资源管理职能的企业管理培训生项目分析 被引量:5

Management Trainee Program Analysis Based on Human Resource Management Functions
摘要 人力资源是企业创新与发展的不竭动力,随着企业人力资源管理成本意识的增强和职业生涯管理的科学化,企业为了在激烈的人才竞争中储备人才,吸纳更多优秀的人才进入企业,就必须把人力资源管理的链条向前延伸,管理培训生就是企业储备人才的有效途径。管理培训生项目与以往从同行业企业获得中高层管理者的招募方式不同,它更倾向于将毕业生作为主要招募对象,将"培养公司未来领导者"作为主要目标,是企业对高级管理人才的积极预定与储备的体现。基于人力资源管理的职能,研究分析我国企业管理培训生项目的运行和发展状况可以看出,目前企业运行中存在需求分析不到位、晋升体系不完善、招聘标准的制定与实施存在明显差异、培训体系与企业需求不匹配、部门对管理培训生项目不重视、对管理培训生的绩效薪酬体系不健全以及对管理培训生的离职管理机制不完善等诸多问题,因此应针对性地制定管理培训生的需求分析计划,将管理培训生的多种晋升渠道并存,明晰对管理培训生的招聘体系,并建立对管理培训生独立的培训体系和多元化的培训手段,同时提高部门对管理培训生项目的重视程度,完善其绩效评价机制与薪酬保密工作以及构建科学的维护和离职管理机制。 Human resources are inexhaustible motive force of enterprise innovation and development. With the enhancement of enterprise human resources management cost awareness and scientific career management, enter- prises must extend the chain of HRM forward in order to reserve talents in fierce talent competition and attract more excellent talents into enterprises. Management trainee is an effective means of reserveing talents for enterpri- ses. To strengthen the ability of human resources management practice by Management Trainee Program (MTP) , and to supplement and improve their own human resources management system. MTP is different from the previous recruitment methods for middle and senior managers from enterprises in the same industry. It tends to take graduates as the main recruitment targets and "cultivate future leaders of the company" as the main goal, which is the embodiment of positive reservation and reserve of senior management talents for enterprises. Based on the function of human resources management, MTP is redefined. Aiming at the problems existing in the opera- tion of the current MTP in Chinese enterprises, such as inadequate demand analysis,imperfect promotion system, obvious differences in the formulation and implementation of recruitment standards, mismatch between the training system and enterprise demand, lack of attention by departments to the management trainee project, imperfect per- formance pay system for the management trainee and imperfect resignation management mechanism for the man- agement trainee, this paper puts forward some targeted problems such as formulating the demand analysis plan for the management trainee, coexistence of various promotion channels for the management trainee, clarifying the re- cnlitment system for the management trainee and establishing the management trainee.
作者 宋德玲 杜静文 Song Deling, Du Jingwen(Business College of Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130117, Chin)
出处 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第4期119-124,共6页 Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
基金 吉林省哲学社会科学规划项目“供给侧结构性改革情势下吉林省劳动力问题研究”(2016B87)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 管理培训生 人力资源管理 职业生涯 Management trainee Human resource management Career
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