
乳腺癌认知问卷(Breast-CAM)的汉化及信效度检验 被引量:7

Chinesization and examination of reliability and validity of Breast Module of the Cancer Awareness Measure
摘要 [目的]对乳腺癌认知问卷(Breast Module of the Cancer Awareness Measure,Breast-CAM)进行汉化,并对中文版问卷的效度和信度进行初步评价。[方法]经过翻译、回译和文化调试,确定中文版Breast-CAM问卷的条目。应用中文版Breast-CAM问卷对216名住院病人的女性照顾者进行调查,通过探索性因子分析提取因子,通过计算Cronbach'sα系数和重测相关系数,检验问卷的内在一致性信度和重测信度。[结果]中文版Breast-CAM问卷的Cronbach'sα系数为0.912,问卷的折半系数为0.836,重测信度为0.721;问卷共提取疾病症状的相关知识,与乳腺改变相关的信心、技能和行为,寻求医疗帮助的障碍,乳房筛查知识和危险因素5个公因子,36个条目。[结论]修订后的中文版Breast-CAM问卷具有良好的信效度,可作为评估和测量女性人群对乳腺癌认知的测评工具。 Objective:To Chinesize the Breast Module of the Cancer Awareness Measure(Breast-CAM),and to preliminarily evaluate the validity and reliability of Chinese version of Breast-CAM.Methods:The Chinese version of Breast-CAM was determined after translation and cross-cultural adaptation.Totally 216 female caregivers of inpatients were investigated with the Chinese version of Breast-CAM.The factors were extracted by exploratory factor analysis,the consistency reliability and retest reliability were test by using Cronbach'sαcoefficient and retest correlation coefficients.Results:The Cronbach'sαcoefficient of the Chinese version of the BreastCAM was 0.912,the half coefficient was 0.836,and the retest reliability was 0.721.The Chinese version Breast-CAM included 5 common factors,36 items.The 5 common factors were disease symptoms related knowledge,confidence,skills and behavior associated with breast change,barriers of seeking medical help,breast screening knowledge and the risk factors.Conclusions:The revised Chinese version of Breast-CAM had good reliability and validity,which could be used to evaluate and measure the cognition of breast cancer among women.
作者 谭艳 谌永毅 李旭英 李金花 蔡欣 袁忠 魏涛 Tan Yan;Chen Yongyi;Li Xuying(Hunan Cancer hospital/The Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Xiangya School of Medcine,Central South University,Hunan 410013 China)
出处 《护理研究》 北大核心 2018年第14期2216-2221,共6页 Chinese Nursing Research
关键词 乳腺癌 乳腺癌认知问卷 汉化 信度 效度 测评工具 翻译 专家咨询 breast cancer Breast Module of the Cancer Awareness Measure,Breast-CAM Chincsization reliability validity assessment tool translation expert consultation
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