

Exchanging Writings in the Polite Arts:The Lanting Gatherings among Official Literati in the Southern Song and Yuan Dynasties
摘要 兰亭雅集是中国士人交游聚会的典范之一,始自东晋王羲之邀集四十二位江南名士在会稽举行雅集;此次活动,参与者众多,有具体的活动内容、场景,有诗文、书法与酒为媒介,与图像化的绘画相结合,形成诗书画融合的景象。江南士人三月初三日的兰亭雅集,将古代袚除污秽、男女相会的习俗,转化为文人群聚,以诗酒会友的春游雅集,成为古代士人高雅的群体活动。这种中古时期以门第高士为主的活动,随着唐宋科举取士、新兴士人阶层崛起,士人集会的类型增多、资源更丰富,活动内容愈趋多元,以兰亭为名的雅集在形式与风格上,对东晋故事既有继承也有创新与变化。特别是南宋到元朝间,由于政治、社会的骤变,士人交流集会趋于多元、样态复杂。本文探讨南宋到元代士人官僚以兰亭为名的雅集内涵与组织、结构变化,并呈现易代之际士人群体集会的差异现象。 The Lanting Gathering( 兰亭雅集) represents one of the ideal literary gatherings of ancient Chinese literati,which began in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. While the well-known calligrapher,Wang Xizhi( 王羲之),invited 42 Southern celebrities and held a classically elegant gathering on March 3 of Lunar calendar in Huiji( 会稽),the Literati Group had altered an ancient custom of expelling filth and congregating unmarried men and women into pure cultural and artistic activities. According to the description of specific activities,many participants were engaged in writing poetry,producing aesthetic penmanship and simultaneously enjoying the delightful feast with wine. Some ancient records preserved the imagined scenes of the combination of poetry and paintings,which became an imitable model of literati gathering with elegant cultural activities in spring.Moreover,as a result of imperial examinations in Tang-Song period and the rising of emerging educated class,the elegant cultural activities such as the Lanting Gathering had plenty variety of art forms and styles. The story of the Lanting Gathering based on well-bred literati from prominent families in the Middle Ages,were be inherited and then also be changed and innovated later,especially during the Southern Song and Yuan Dynasties. Due to sudden changes in politics and Socio-economic status,the types of literati assembly with abundant resources increased,and the cultural activities became ever more pluralistic and diversified. This paper aims to explore the associations of literati bureaucrats who named Lanting Gathering as joined organizations in the Southern Song to the Yuan Dynasty. The article is concerning the implication of the Lanting Gathering,organizational changes of the associations,and the mentality of literati in the subjugation occasion during the Southern Song and Yuan Dynasties.
作者 黄宽重 Huang Kuanchung
机构地区 台湾长庚大学
出处 《唐宋历史评论》 2016年第1期212-235,共24页
关键词 南宋 元代 士人 交游 兰亭雅集 The Southern Song Yuan Dynasty Official Literati Literary Gatherings The Lanting Gatherings
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