

The Relationship Between the School of Gong’ an and Jingling on the Garden Art
摘要 晚明文人酷好山水与园林,蔚为风气,荆楚名士,公安、竟陵代表作家也不例外。公安三袁、竟陵钟谭及麻城刘侗等荆楚名士,深受晚明士林风气影响,鼓之扬之,曾游览诸多名园,三袁还有构园实践经验。其园林观注重因借、逼肖自然界真山水,崇尚天成、天工而忌雕饰太重,要求匠心独运而能妙合物理天趣,是其美学思想组成一部分,与其文学观相通。其时园林艺术高度繁荣,吴地则冠绝天下,研究成果最丰;荆楚也有长足发展,唯研究不够。本文重在论述袁宏道、袁中道、钟惺、刘侗四位山水园林癖好、游园造园活动、园林美学思想。 The phenomenon that literati loved nature and gardening landscape was prevalent in the late Ming Dynasty,which includes famous writers from the school of Gong' an and Jingling in Jingchu Area. The famous literati such as Yuan Zongdao,Yuan Hongdao and Yuan Zhongdao from Gong ' an,Zhong Tan from Jingling and Liu Dong from Ma Cheng were deeply influenced by the intellectual atmosphere which was encouraged and advocated in the late Ming Dynasty. Yuan Zongdao,Yuan Hongdao and Yuan Zhongdao also had practical experiences on garden construction due to their experiences of visiting numerous well-known gardens. Their garden value emphasizes on facsimileing the nature and avoiding too much carving decorations while requiring the application of the unique innovation into the physical construction,which was a part of their aesthetic thoughts as well as their literature view. In the late Ming Dynasty,the development of gardening art was highly prosperous and Wu Area was the most famous place of this kind of art. Therefore,there were the most research findings in Wu Area. Jingchu Area also developed fast but there were less research findings. This paper is going to discuss Yuan Hongdao,Yuan Zhongdao,Zhong Xing and Liu Dong's interest on visiting gardening landscape,enjoying constructing gardens and their aesthetic thoughts on gardening art.
作者 夏咸淳 Xia Xianchun(the Institute of Literature in Shanghai Academy of Social Science)
出处 《中文论坛》 2017年第1期75-97,共23页 Forum of Chinese Language and Literature
关键词 公安派 竟陵派 园林情好 园林美学 The school of Gong5 an The school of Jingling The interest on gardening Gardening aesthetics
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