

Kanei Uechi’s Strategy for Peace through Cultural Exchange of Karate-do
摘要 作为上地流空手道的创始人,上地完英确立了从中国功夫发展而来的冲绳空手道体系.在1982年9月27日发表的《致世界所有空手道者的信》中,他强调了对他人讲礼仪的重要性(认为讲礼仪甚至比身体技巧更重要),并把他的艺术描绘为可以超越“国籍、种族、性别和宗教”的修身养性工具.在他看来,空手道能以一种类似于古代斯多葛学派以及当代宇宙政治理论的方式把不同国家的人们聚集在一起,形成一种泛化的兄弟会或姐妹会.奇洛特和麦考利在《为何不把他们都杀掉》中列出了阻止种族灭绝的各种策略,文化交流就是其中一种重要手段.上地完英为此提供了很好的榜样,尤其是他认为,人们应该用礼仪和尊敬对待他人,如此才能够建立一个更加和平的世界.主张消除文化单一性的全球主义学者,如安东尼·夸梅·阿皮亚也提出过以和平为目标的面向全球公民的挑战.作为一种传遍世界并被不同地区和文化传统影响的艺术形式,上地流空手道已成为一个促进不同人民和民族之间进行文化交流的典范.作为一种武术,它与格斗和争斗有关,但就像大多数文化交流一样,它在不同国家的人们之间增大了和平关系形成的可能性. As the architect of Uechi Ryu Karate-do, Kanei Uechi formalized an Okinawan system of karate which was developed from Chinese Gongfu. In his September 27, 1982 "Letter to All Karatekas of the World", he emphasizes the importance of courtesy towards others (above even physical techniques in karate) and describes his art as an instrument for character building which transcends "nationality, race, sex, age, [and] religion. " Uechi's view that karate can bring people together from different countries in a universal brotherhood and sisterhood is similar to the ancient Stoic notion and contem- porary cosmopolitan perspective which ask people to consider others' well- being, regardless of nationality. Chirot & McCauley's list of strategies to prevent future genocides in Why Not Kill Them All includes cultural exchange as an important approach and Kanei Uechi provides a good example of it, especially when he suggests that people should treat others with courtesy and respect to build a more peaceful world. Authors who offer praise for cosmopolitan contamination in order to undermine notions of cultural purity such as Anthony Kwame Appiah also help clarify the challenges of a global citizenship which aim at peace. As an art form which has been exported all over the world and shaped by multiple regions and traditions, Uechi Ryu Karate-do offers a type of cultural exchange between different peoples and nations. As a martial art, it is associated with combat and war. However, like most forms of cultural exchange, it increases the likelihood of peace among people and across nations.
作者 保尔·斯威夫特 Paul A.Swift
出处 《文化发展论丛》 2016年第3期312-322,共11页 Culture Development Review
关键词 上地流空手道 上地完英 武术 Uechi Ryu Karate-do Kanei Uechi Martial Art
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