
家属协同式护理干预对人工髋关节置换术后生活质量的影响 被引量:6

Effect of family cooperative nursing intervention on quality of life in postoperative patients with artificial hip replacement
摘要 目的探讨在人工髋关节置换术后康复护理中给予家属协同式护理干预对其生活质量的影响。方法选择108例人工髋关节置换术后患者作为研究对象,按照随机数字表分为常规组(n=54,实施常规康复护理)和研究组(n=54,实施常规康复护理+家属协同式护理干预)。比较两组患者的临床效果。结果研究组髋关节功能恢复分布情况和优良率明显优于常规组(P<0.05);护理后,两组生活质量各评分均优于护理前,且研究组明显优于常规组(P<0.05)。结论对人工髋关节置换术后患者给予家属协同式护理干预能够显著改善髋关节功能,提升生活质量。 Objective To explore the effect of family cooperative nursing intervention on quality of life in postoperative patients with artificial hip replacement. Methods A total of 108 cases of postoperative patients with artificial hip replacement were enrolled and divided into routine group(n=54, routine rehabilitation nursing) and study group(n=54, routine rehabilitation nursing+family cooperative nursing intervention) according to the random number table. The clinical effects of the two groups were compared. Results The effect distribution and excellent and good rate of hip joint function recovery in the study group were better than those in the routine group(P〈0.05). After nursing, the scores of quality of life of the two groups increased, and those in the study group were higher than the routine group(P〈0.05). Conclusion The application of family cooperative nursing intervention in postoperative patients with artificial hip replacement can significantly improve the function of hip joint and quality of life.
作者 陈媛 李梅 CHEN Yuan;LI Mei(Xianyang Central Hospital,Xianyang 712000,China)
出处 《临床医学研究与实践》 2018年第17期165-166,共2页 Clinical Research and Practice
关键词 家属协同式护理干预 人工髋关节置换术 髋关节功能 生活质量 family cooperative nursing intervention artificial hip replacement hip joint function quality of life
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