

Analysis on Media Ethics Codes in African Countries
摘要 在研究国外媒体伦理规范时,研究者往往将目光集中于欧美发达国家,而较少关注非洲国家。本文通过研究非洲国家的32篇媒体伦理规范发现,提及率排名前十的伦理准则分别是:准确、避免利益冲突、保护隐私、保护消息来源、更正、信息获取方式正当、新闻自由、公正、不得剽窃、明确新闻界限。非洲国家媒体伦理规范中也有基于特定民族国家背景的特殊规定,如提出"立足民族文化,维护本国价值观,促进多元主义,捍卫普世价值观";同时,对新闻工作者的礼仪穿着、语言规范、专业素质等方面提出了具体的伦理要求。 When studying the ethical codes of foreign media,researchers tend to focus on developed countries in Europe or North America,and have paid less attention to media ethic codes in African countries.In this paper,we study 32 media ethical-codes in African countries and conclude that the top ten most frequently referred ethical codes are accuracy,avoidance of interest conflicts,protection of privacy,protection of sources,correction,proper access to information,freedom of the press,fairness,no plagiarism,clarification of news boundaries.Meanwhile,media ethical codes in African countries also have special provisions based on unique nation state context,such as proposing "based on national culture,safeguarding national values,promoting pluralism,safeguarding universal values."Moreover,media ethical codes in African countries propositioned on special ethical requirements for journalists' dress codes,language norms,and professionalism.
作者 牛静 赵一菲 Jing Niu;Yifei Zhao(School of Journalism and Information Communication,Huazhong University of Science and Technolog)
出处 《全球传媒学刊》 2018年第2期144-158,共15页 Global Journal of Media Studies
基金 2015年国家社会科学基金项目"新媒体环境下中国参与建构全球媒介伦理的路径研究"(15BXW070)的成果
关键词 媒体伦理 非洲 共通准则 特殊准则 Media Ethics Africa Common Guidelines Special Guidelines
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