1988年诺贝尔文学奖得主马哈福兹(Nqib Mahfuz,1911—2006)是埃及,也是阿拉伯世界至今唯一获取这一殊荣的作家。他早自20世纪50年代就以其多部杰作享誉遐迩。但自1949年新中国成立至20世纪70年代末的约30年中,由于“西方中心论”与十年“文化大革命”的影响,我国对阿拉伯文学的研究、译介成果甚少,也很少有人知道马哈福兹及其作品。在我国,对阿拉伯文学的译介与研究基本上是自20世纪80年代改革开放后开始的。对于马哈福兹及其作品然也是同样。特别是各有关院校开设了东方文学史、阿拉伯文学史等课程、招收阿拉伯文学专业的研究生,1987年“中国阿拉伯文学研究会”的建立,1988年马哈福兹获诺贝尔奖,都进一步促进了对马哈福兹及其作品的译介、研究。对这一作家及其作品的译介与研究是同步进行的。我国现已翻译出版了20余部马哈福兹的作品。虽不足原著的二分之一,但其重要作品,特别是代表作已基本译了过来,而且有的还有多种中译本。在20世纪80年代以来出版的各种外国文学史、东方文学史,特别是阿拉伯文学史多有关于马哈福兹及其作品的总体评介;此外,1988年他获诺贝尔奖后,有关的报刊也对他多有介绍;阿拉伯文学研究会曾为他及其作品举行多次研讨会与报告会。对马哈福兹作品的研究,主要集中于对其代表作《宫间街》三部曲与《我们街区的孩子们》方面。另外,将他及其代表作与中国的名家名著(如马哈福兹的《宫间街》三部曲与巴金的《家》、《春》、《秋》三部曲)予以比较,也是一项重要的科研选题。我们虽已翻译出版了马哈福兹的20多部作品,发表了100余篇,其中包括博士、硕士论文及专著)的相关研究论文,但无论质还是量都远不够,我们尚需努力。
Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1988, Najib Mahfuz is the only Egyptian and Arab writer who has won the prize. The prestigious writer is well-known for his numerous literary works since 1950s. In China, Introductions and studies on the Arabic Literature as well as Mahfuz's works hadn't started until 1980s, which is the time when the reform and opening-up policy was implemented. Moreover, courses such as the History of Oriental Literature and the Arabic Literature etc. in some related universities and colleges, the enrollment of postgraduate students of Arabic Literature, the establishment of Arabic Literature Research Council in China in 1987, and Mahfuz's winning of the Nobel Prize for Literature have all prompted translations, introductions and studies for Mahfuz and his works. It is worth mentioning that the translations, introductions and studies for the renowned writer were conducted simultaneously. Up to date, the number of translated works of Mahfuz in China has surpassed 20. Although they constitute no more than half of the writer's works in total, his important works esp. his magnum opus are all well included. What's more, some novels have several translated versions. Various versions of history of Foreign Literature, Oriental Literature and esp. Arabic Literature contain general introductions for Mahfuz and his works. In addition, after Mahfuz was laureated the Nobel Prize, some relevant newspaper had published introductions for him. The Arabic Literature Research Council in China had also held numerous academic seminars and presentations for him and his works. Studies on Mahfuz's works mainly focus on his magnum opus the Cairo Trilogyand Children of the Alley. Besides, the comparison between his works and some famous Chinese literary works (eg. comparison between the Cairo Trilogy and the Trilogy of the Home, the Spring, the Autumn by Chinese writer Ba Jin) is also an important academic topic. Although we have translated and published over 20 literal works of Najib Mahfuz and published over 100 relevant academic works including master thesis and doctoral dissertations and books on the writer, yet they are absolutely not enough. Therefore we should continue to make our efforts on it.
Middle East Studies of PKU