目的通过HIV抗体检测结果分析,以了解本地区HIV感染情况及感染人群的流行病学特点,为实施有效的干预措施和科学防治提供依据。方法对2015年1月至2017年12月某医院35 077例HIV检测确认的感染患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 35 077例检测样本中确认HIV感染患者75例,感染率为0.21%。感染者中男性多于女性,年龄段以21~60岁为主(70.67%),文盲和小学文化程度者占52.00%,无业及务工者占73.33%;有76.00%患者存在不洁性行为,14.67%患者有吸毒史。结论本地区HIV感染率较高,感染者以低文化程度的青壮年务工及无业者居多,不洁性行为和吸毒史是HIV重要的传播途径。广泛开展HIV相关知识的健康教育,提升高危人群的安全意识,降低高危行为发生率,对预防和控制传播具有重要意义。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of HIV infection and infected population in this region by the results of HIV antibody test, so as to provide evidence for effective intervention and scientific control.Methods A retrospective analysis of 35 077 cases of infection confirmed by HIV test in a hospital from January 2015 to December 2017 was carried out.Results Seventy-five cases were confirmed positive for anti-HIV antibody in 35 077 samples, and the infection rate was 0.21%. In HIV-infected population, male was more than female, the age group was mainly 21-60 years old(70.67%), 52.00% were illiteracy or primary school diploma, and 73.33% were unemployed or migrant workers; 76.00% of patients had feculent sexual behavior and 14.67% of patients have used drugs.Conclusion The infection rate of HIV is high in our region. The infected population are mainly of poor educated unemployed and migrant workers. The main transmission routes of HIV are feculent sexual behavior and drug use. It is of great significance to carry out health education about HIV, raise the safety awareness of high risk groups and reduce the incidence of high risk behaviors in order to prevent and control transmission.
YANG Wei;YANG Gang(The 44thHospital of PLA,Guiyang 550009;Anshun Economic and Technical Development Zone Health andFamily Planning,Anshun 561000,China)
Clinical Research and Practice