
企业家精神的涌现:40年的中国实践历程回顾与未来展望 被引量:19

Emergence of Entrepreneurship: Retrospect and Prospect of China's Practice in 40 Years
摘要 企业家精神,是企业所处身其中的时代与社会环境的产物,是诸多社会经济制度因素共同作用的结果。中国改革开放40年,在纷至沓来的市场机会中,涌现出了至少三种截然不同的企业家精神,分别是个体经营者的企业家精神、大工业时代的企业家精神和新技术革命浪潮下的企业家精神。在培育企业家精神方面,中国实践既体现出了与英国、美国、德国、日本等发达国家在其工业化进程中的历史经验相一致的特征,又体现出了有国情特色的一面。当前,中国通过发展企业家精神来推动经济可持续发展的努力,需要兼顾维护社会分配公平正义、构建健康有序的政商关系、深化国有企业改革这三个方面的现实问题。 Entrepreneurship is the product of the times and social environment in which enterprises are involved. It is the joint action of many social and economic factors. In the four decades of China's reform and opening up, three different entrepreneurial spirits have emerged in the coming market opportunities. These are the entrepreneurial spirit of self-employed entrepreneurs, the entrepreneurial spirit in the era of the big industry, and the entrepreneurial spirit under the wave of new technological revolution. In cultivating entrepreneurial spirit, China's practice has not only embodied the characteristics consistent with the historical experience of Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan and other developed countries in the process of industrialization, but also embodied the characteristics of the national conditions. At present, China's efforts to promote the sustainable development of the economy through the development of entrepreneurial spirit need to take into consideration the three practical issues of safeguarding fairness and justice in social distribution, building a healthy and orderly relationship between the government and business, and deepening the reform of the state-owned enterprises.
作者 余菁 YU Jing(Institute of Industrial Economy of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100037,China)
出处 《经济体制改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期12-19,共8页 Reform of Economic System
关键词 企业家精神 市场机遇 国企改革 entrepreneurship market opportunities SOE reform
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