Faced with Japan' s defeat in WWII, Japanese scholars in the postwar periods came to recognize a growing need for establishing a new value system to respond to the crisis of social order and values. Japan's National Practice Essentials, also known as "the Amano Rescript", which was put forward by the scholar- minister Amano Teiyu, aimed at overcoming the dilemma of the spiritual ethics in the postwar Japan, and reflected Amano's vision of rebuilding Japan as "a country of morality" . However, Japanese scholars at that time, represented by Amano, were still obsessed with the value system established by the Imperial Rescript on Education, resulting in a failure in overcoming the dilemma of the spiritual ethics. On the contrary, they set up obstacles for the development of democratic ethics in Japan, which later led to the revision of Japan' s Basic Law of Education.
Japanese Studies