
病例教学为主导的交叉学科整合课在医学检验专业的构建与实施 被引量:7

Construction and practice of an integrated interdisciplinary course in clinical laboratory science based on cases
摘要 目的通过病例教学为主导的交叉学科整合课在医学检验专业的构建与实施,探讨对医学检验专业学生岗位胜任力培养的影响。方法将医学检验技术专业本科生2015级作为实验组(57人),2014级作为对照组(59人),实验组接受交叉学科整合课的学习,实验组1班采用CBL教学、实验组2班采用TBL教学进行病例讨论课。对照组未接受交叉学科整合课的学习。按照传统检验专业课程设置学习.。第四学期课程结束后,进行病理生理学课程期末成绩比较:实验组在学期初与学期末通过调查问卷评价教学效果,结果录入SPSS19.0软件进行两独立样本t检验。结果实验组病理生理学课程期末成绩(75.65±7.13)明显高于对照组(69.94±9.77),差异有统计学意义(P=0.000)。实验组学期末调查问卷结果中交叉学科学习兴趣、基础课间联系、基础临床融合、分析问题能力、解决问题能力、自主学习能力、表达沟通、团队合作以及批判性思维的评分分别为(7.59±1.48)、(8.19±1.22)、(8.33±1.19)、(8.10±1.17)、(7.71±1.14)、(8.07±1.55)、(8.02±1.15)、(7.55±1.17)和(7.41±1.23),明显高于学期初(3.81±1.80)、(4.07±1.57)、(3.36±1.42)、(3.64±1.44)、(4.12±1.51)、(3.52±1.54)、(3.59±1.34)、(3.19±1.38)和(3.72±1.36),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论病例教学为主导的交叉学科整合课对基础医学阶段医学检验专业学生岗位胜任力的培养具有促进作用。 Objective To investigate the construction and practice of an integrated interdisciplinary course based on cases and its effect on the development of common competency in students majoring in clinical laboratory science. Methods 116 students majoring in clinical laboratory science were enrolled from class 2014 (control group, n=59) and class 2015 (experimental group, n=57) in the study. The inte- grated interdisciplinary course based on cases was taught in the experimental group, while the traditional courses were taught in the controls. At the end of the fourth semester, exam scores of pathophysiology of all the students were compared. Questionnaires for teaching effects were scored in the experimental group at the beginning and at the end of the experiment semester, respectively. The scores were processed with SPSS 19.0 for independent-samples t-test. The experimental group was further divided into two subgroups, experimental class 1 with the course taught as case-based learning (CBL) and experimental class 2 with the course taught as team-based learning (TBL). Comparison between the questionnaire scores and the patho- physiology scores were alsoperformed in the two experimental classes. Results The pathophysiology scores of the experimental group (75.65 ± 7.13) were significantly higher than those of the controls (69.94± 9.77), P=0.000. The scores of the 15 indicators in the questionnaire for the experimental group were significantly higher at the end of the semester than those at the beginning of the semester (P〈0.01), including scores of learning interest [(7.59 ± 1.48) vs. (3.81 ± 1.80)], connection among basic medicine courses [(8.19 ± 1.22) vs. (4.07 ±1.57)], integration of basic and clinical medicine courses [(8.35 ± 1.19) vs. (3.36 ±1.42)], problem analyzing ability[(8.10±1.17) vs. (3.64± 1.44)], problem solving ability [(7.71 ± 1.14) vs. (4.12 ±1.51)], self-learning ability [(8.07± 1.55) vs. (3.52 ±1.54)], communication skills [(8.02 ± 1.15) vs. (3.59 ± 1.34)], teamwork [(7.55±1.17) vs. (3.19± 1.38)], and critical thinking [(7.41± 1.23) vs. (3.72 ±1.36)] at the end of the semester and at the beginning of the semester, respectively. Conclusion The integrated interdisciplinary course based on cases can promote the development of post competency among students majoring in clini- cal laboratory science during basic medical education.
作者 孙莉 郎明非 Sun Li;Lang Mingfei(Department of Physiolgy Medical College,Dalian University,Dalian 116622,China)
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2018年第7期669-674,共6页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
关键词 病例教学 交叉学科整合课 基础医学 医学检验专业 岗位胜任力 Case-based learning Integrated interdisciplinary course Basic medicine Clinicallaboratory science Post competency
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