
人力资本积累、外出就业对民族地区农村居民收入的影响——基于2013-2015年民族地区大调查数据的实证研究 被引量:7

The Influence of Human Capital Accumulation and Outgoing Employment on the Income of Rural Residents in Ethnic Areas:An Empirical Study Based on 2013-2015 Survey in Ethnic Areas of China
摘要 文章以2013-2015年民族地区大调查数据为基础,采用扩展的明瑟收入模型和分位数回归技术,研究人力资本积累、外出就业对民族地区农村不同收入阶层的影响,并进一步运用有序Logit模型对影响农村居民主观经济评价的因素进行了实证分析。研究表明,民族地区农村居民的人力资本积累有利于缩小居民间的收入差距。民族地区农村居民从事农业劳动与非农劳动间的收入存在较大的差别,表明民族地区的"刘易斯拐点"还没有出现,农村居民外出就业能显著提高其收入水平。民族地区农村少数民族居民的收入显著低于汉族居民,其主因是少数民族居民平均受教育年限偏低和居民间的收入差距过大造成的。大部分农村居民认为其家庭经济状况稳步提升,并对未来自家经济状况保持乐观的心态,而外出就业显著降低了农村居民对自家经济状况的主观评价。文章认为,人力资本积累决定了劳动生产率的上限,而人力资本能否从低收益的行业或地区流入到高收益的行业或地区,决定了人力资本积累能否转化为现实的生产力。政府在继续提升民族地区农村人力资本水平的同时,应进一步完善劳动力市场机制。 Based on 2013-2015 Survey in Ethnic Areas of China and by using extended Mincerian approach and quantile regression,this article studies the influence of human capital accumulation and outgoing employment on different income groups in ethnic rural areas,and further adopts the ordered Logit model to make an empirical analysis on the factors that affect the subjective economic evaluation of rural residents.The study shows the accumulation of human capital in ethnic rural areas is conducive to narrowing the income gap among the residents.And there is a great difference between the incomes of ethnic rural residents engaged in agricultural and non-agricultural,which reflect that the "Lewis turning point" in ethnic areas has not yet appeared,while the rural residents' outgoing employment can significantly improve their income level.The income of ethnic minority residents in rural areas is significantly lower than their counterparts of the Han population,and the main reason is that the average years of education for ethnic minorities are at the low level and the income gap between the residents is too large.Besides,the majority of rural residents in ethnic areas believe that their family economic status has been steadily improved,and are optimistic about their own economic situation in the future,while outgoing employment reduces the subjective evaluation of their own economic status.The article aruges that the accumulation of human capital determines the upper limit of labor productivity,and whether human capital can flow from low income industries or regions to high income industries or regions determines whether the accumulation of human capital can be converted into real productivity.And while improving the level of human capital in ethnical rural areas,the government should also further improve the labor market mechanism.
作者 王国洪
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期27-41,共15页 Ethno-National Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大委托项目"21世纪初中国少数民族地区经济社会发展综合调查"(项目编号:13@ZH001) 中国博士后科学基金项目"民族地区最低工资 最低生活保障与贫困问题研究"(项目编号:2016M591340)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 民族地区 人力资本 外出就业 农村居民收入 ethnic areas human capital outgoing employment income of rural residents
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