采用中温中压氧化干化(MOD)技术对青霉素和头孢抗生素菌渣进行无害化和减量化处理,工艺条件为160~200℃,初始压力2 MPa。结果表明:处理后菌渣及残液中抗生素残留均未检出;菌渣含水率均由80%降至40%以下,减量化达到90%,抗生素菌渣热值为5 174~6 313 k J/kg,均满足《城市生活垃圾处理及污染防治技术政策》(建成[2000]12号)中关于进炉垃圾平均低热值的要求。将处理后抗生素菌渣在850℃工况下焚烧,残渣中多环芳烃和抗生素残留均未检出,有机物和残留抗生素已完全分解;残渣中不易挥发性重金属存在富集现象,需加强后续处理;烟气中SO2浓度相对较低(低于12 mg/m3),NOx浓度稍高,需加强后续尾气处理。
Under the process conditions of 160-200 ℃ and 2 MPa initial pressure, using moderate oxidation drying( MOD) technology to perform harmless and reduction treatment for the antibiotic residues of Penicillin and Cephalosporin. The results showed that the antibiotics in the treated solid phases and residual liquids were not detected. The water content in the solid phase decreased from 80% to 40% or less and the quantity of antibiotic residue was reduced by 90%, and the calorific value of the antibiotic residue after treatment was 5 174-6 313 k J/kg,all meeting with the requirements of the average low calorific value of garbage into the incinerator in the Technical Policy for Treatment and Prevention of Municipal Solid Waste. After the MOD treatment, the antibiotic residues were incinerated under 850 ℃. The results showed that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and antibiotics residues in the incineration residues were not detected, which indicated that the organic matter and antibiotics in the residue were completely decomposed. There was an enrichment of non-volatile heavy metals in the residue, so follow-up treatment must be strengthened. The concentration of SO2 in the flue gas was relatively low, with an average concentration of less than 12 mg/m3; the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the flue gas was slightly higher, and the subsequent tail gas treatment should be strengthened.
ZHENC Xiangjun;WANG Wei;CHENC Xingjun;XUE Feng;ZHANC Pingmin;LU Jia(Beijing Capital Group Boom-Sound Environmental Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100176,China)
Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology