

Observation on the Relationship Between End-expiratory Concentration of Sevoflurane and Fresh Gas Flow and Scale of Evaporation Tank
摘要 目的找到效率较高的新鲜气流量与蒸发罐刻度组合。方法将择期行气管插管全身麻醉患者90例随机分为A、B、C 3组。全麻诱导气管插管完成后5 min(T0),记录MAP、HR和BIS值,然后设置A组新鲜气流量2 L/min,七氟烷蒸发罐刻度为3%,B组为3 L/min和2%、C组为4 L/min和1.5%,每组30例,记录3组七氟烷呼气末浓度达到1.2%(即0.7 MAC)所需的时间(s),以及到达目标浓度后3分钟内(T1)MAP、HR和BIS的最低值。结果 3组患者七氟烷呼气末浓度达到1.2%(即0.7 MAC)所需的时间,A组小于B组,B组小于C组(P<0.05);比较3组患者T1时的MAP、HR、BIS比T0时下降的百分比,无统计学差异。结论较低新鲜气流量联合较高七氟烷蒸发罐刻度,其效率优于较高新鲜气流量联合较低七氟烷蒸发罐刻度。 Objective To find a more efficient combination of fresh gas flow and scale of evaporation tank. Methods 90 patients underwent elective intubation with general anesthesia were randomly divided into Group A,Group B,and Group C. 5 minutes after induction of tracheal intubation( T0),MAP,HR and BIS were recorded. Then the following values were set up: fresh gas flow of Group A was 2 L/min,scale of evaporation tank was 3%,Group B was 3 L/min and 2%,Group C was 4 L/min and 1. 5%,with30 cases in each group. The time required for the end-expiratory concentration of sevoflurane in 3 groups to reach 1. 2 %( 0. 7 MAC)was recorded and the lowest values of MAP,HR and BIS within 3 minutes after reaching the target concentration( T1) was recorded.Results The time required for the end-expiratory concentration of sevoflurane in 3 groups to reach 1. 2%( 0. 7 MAC) was as follows:Group A was shorter than Group B,Group B was shorter than Group C( P〈0. 05),the decreasing percentages of MAP,HR,and BIS from T0 to T1 in 3 groups weren't statistically different. Conclusion The efficiency of lower fresh gas flow combined with higher sevoflurane evaporation tank scale was better than that of higher fresh gas flow combined with lower sevoflurane evaporation tank scale.
作者 张霞 朱跃坤 陈永喜 顾利华 Zhang Xia;Zhu Yuekun;Chen Yongxi;Gu Lihua(Department of Anesthesiology,Wuzhong People蒺s Hospital of Suzhou,Suzhou 215128 China)
出处 《锦州医科大学学报》 CAS 2018年第4期62-64,共3页 Journal of Jinzhou Medical University
关键词 七氟烷 呼气末浓度 新鲜气流量 蒸发罐刻度 sevoflurane end-expiratory concentration fresh gas flow scale of evaporation tank
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