
南海北部近岸海域5~6月微型硅藻 被引量:3

Studies on marine nanodiatoms in coastal waters northern South China Sea
摘要 本文对南海北部近岸的南澳、海门、湛江、北海、海口、三亚等6个系样点的水样进行微型浮游植物(<20μm)的叶绿素a含量测定,并对其微型硅藻(<20μm)和小型硅藻(>20μm)作计数、鉴定。结果表明,该区微型硅藻有50多种,其数量以海口最多。为84000个/dm^3;海门和江最少(500个/dm^2),文中描述了我国首次记录的8种双眉藻(Amphora).它们是Amphora castellata,A.coputata,A.cymbelloides,A.margaritifera,A.minima,A.mueeleri,A.reichardtiana和A.subacutiuscula。 Determined is the cholorophyll a content of phytoplankton and Counted is the diatom cell number in the coastal water of Nan' ao, Haimen, Zhanjiang,Beihai, Haikou and Sanya along northern South China Sea. There are more than fifty species of nanodiatom in South China Sea. The number of nanodiatom in Haikou is the highest and less in Haimen and Zhanjiang. Eight new record species of Amphora in China,such as Amphora castellata, A. copulata,A. cymbelloides, A. margaritifera, A. minima, A. muelleri, A. reichardtiana and A. subacutiuscula are described.
机构地区 厦门大学生物系
出处 《台湾海峡》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期63-66,T001,共5页 Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait
基金 国家自然科学基金!39570142
关键词 微型硅藻 双眉藻属 南海 叶绿素A 初级生产力 Nanodiatom,Amphora,coastal waters northern South China Sea
  • 相关文献


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