
1960年以来雄安新区平均和极端气温变化(英文) 被引量:2

Linear trends in mean and extreme temperature in Xiongan New Area, China
摘要 如何建设雄安新区是时下重要需求,公众也迫切想了解它的历史气候变化。然而,这方面的信息匮乏,也难以从全球或者大区域的研究中获取精准的信息,因为气候变化具有典型的区域特色。本文基于均一化的逐日气温数据,研制了1960年以来雄安新区的连续数据,进而分析了它的平均和极端气温变化趋势。结果表明:1960年以来,平均气温显著升高,1998年至今变暖没有停滞;极端高(低)温的频率总体显著增加(减小)。与周边的京津冀和华北区域平均相比,雄安新区的气温变化幅度更大,需要绿色发展。 On 1 April 2017 China established Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province, which was described as ‘a strategy crucial for a millennium to come'. A point of interest for the public is to be aware of the historical climate change in this new area; however, results from previous global-scale or largerregional-scale averages provide relatively limited information because of the distinct regional differences in climate change. This study analyzes the changes in mean and extreme temperature in this area, based on homogenized daily temperature data for the period 1960–2016. The results show a significant warming in the indices of annual, summer, and winter mean temperature(Tmean), maximum temperature(Tmax), and minimum temperature(Tmin). The linear rate of annual Tmean is 0.34 °C/decade. Temperatures on the hottest day, the warmest night, the coldest day, and the coldest night, every year, all show increasing trends, with the trends in the two nighttime-related indices being significant. An increasing occurrence of warm days, warm nights, hot days, and tropical nights, but a decreasing occurrence of cold days, cold nights, icing days, and frost days, are found, all of which are significant, except for the occurrences of hot days and icing days. A significant extension of the length of the thermal growing season is also found. The magnitudes of change in most of the temperature indices in Xiongan New Area are larger than those of the adjacent Jing-Jin-Ji and North China regional mean. These results could provide valuable information for policymakers, city planners, engineers, and migrants to this new area.
出处 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第3期246-254,共9页 大气和海洋科学快报(英文版)
基金 sponsored by the National Key R&D Programof China(grant number 2016YFA0600404) Key Technology of Integration of Meteorological and Application Projects(grant number CMAGJ2015Z16) the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(grant number 2016075) the Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Climate Change
关键词 雄安新区 气候变化 线性趋势 平均气温 极端气温 Xiongan New Area climatechange linear trend meantemperature extremetemperature
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