

From “Refuse to Listen and Sing” to “Cherish for Deities”:A Study on the Changes of Belief and Identity of Gesar Among sGo-dMar-Pa of Reb-Gong
摘要 在热贡(■)隆务河谷两岸坐落着被当地人称之为"霍尔(■)"或"铎日铎(■)"的四个村寨(■),民族识别时被统一认定为"土族"。其中被称为郭麻日(■)的村寨,据说避讳听唱《格萨尔王传》,尤其是《霍岭大战》部分,但有趣的是,"阿尼格萨尔(■)"又成为护佑郭麻日人的守护神。从"谢绝听唱"到"尊为神灵"这一转变,从一个侧面反映了这个群体如何从"过去"中走出来,也从另一个侧面反映着如何朝"现在"之变迁走下去。郭麻日人以特别记得一些祖先(藏)而忘记另一些祖先(霍尔)来达成"结构性失忆(structural amnesia)",模糊霍、藏之间各种文化典范与政治权威所建立的"边界",从而修正其族群边缘问题,实为多元文化视野下的一种生存策略选择。 The Khre-Tse sDe-bZhi( Four villages),which located in the Regong Rongwo River valley,are called "Hor" or "Dordo" by the local people,and ethnic identity was recognized as "tu". The sGo-dMar-Pa among the four villages is said to be taboo to listen to the epic of the King of Gesar,especially for the part of the Hor-Gling War,but the interesting is "A-Myes-Gesar" has become the guardian of the sGo-dMar people. From the change of "refuse to listen and sing" to "cherish for deities",from one side reflects how these groups come out from the "past",and the other side reflects how to go down the change of "now". sGo-dMar people reach "structural amnesia" by means of remembering some ancestors and forgetting other ancestors,to obscure the "boundary" established by the various cultural models and political authorities of Hor and Tibet,thus correcting their ethnic fringe problems. It is actually a survival strategy under the multicultural vision.
作者 周毛先 Vbrug Mo Byams(Institute of Gesar Study,Northwestern Minzu University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730030,China)
出处 《西藏研究》 北大核心 2018年第3期111-115,161,162,共7页 Tibetan Studies
基金 2017年度国家社科基金项目"汉藏边缘之‘霍尔’人的格萨尔信仰与多元宗教对话共生研究"(项目编号:17XMZ073) 2017年度甘肃省高校科研项目"甘肃白龙江流域新发掘的的苯教格萨尔祭祀仪轨文献整理与研究"(项目编号:2017B-76)阶段性成果之一
关键词 郭麻日 格萨尔 信仰 认同变迁 sGo - dMar - Pa Gesar Belief Identity Change
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