在知识经济时代 ,技术扩散是影响高新技术研究开发成败、区域经济竞争力强弱的关键因子之一。文章阐述了技术扩散的概念、扩散过程及其对区域产业升级和更新的影响 ,并通过对浙江金昌模式的介绍、分析 ,提出了发展中国家和地区应该首先接受区外先进同行企业的技术转移 ,进而建立与高校、研究院所等技术创新源的直接联系 ,建立开放灵活的技术保障体系的对策建议 ,以实现发展中国家和地区充分利用技术扩散规律、加快产业的技术升级和换代、提高区域产业竞争力的奋斗目标。
In the period of knowledge economy, the technology diffusion is one of the key factors to improve the research and development of high technologies and the competitiveness of the regional economy. The paper lays emphasis on the concept of the technology, technology diffusion process, and its impact on the regional industrial upgrading and modification. On the basis of introduction and analysis of the Jinchang-Mode in Zhejiang province, the paper advances some suggestions: the developing countries and regions, firstly import the technologies from other advanced enterprises outside the regions; further establish the direct relationship with the technology innovation centers such as universities, research institutions etc; develop relatively opener and more flexible technology security system. Through these measures, the developing countries and regions can realize the strategies of developing and upgrading the regional industries in accordance with the principles of the technology diffusion to further improve the competitiveness of regional industry.
Areal Research and Development
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 4 98710 2 3)