

Research on Task Pricing Model Based on Crowdsourcing
摘要 文章结合数学建模题目"拍照赚钱"移动app应用定价问题,构建一个合理的定价模型,给出了任务打包理论及计算方法,找出了较优的任务定价规律。 This paper constructed a reasonable pricing model based on the pricing problem of "photographing money" mobile app application, and gave the theory of task packing and calculation method, and found out the betterle of task pricing.
作者 王天璐 WANG Tian-lu(North western Polytechnical University,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710072,China)
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《企业技术开发》 2018年第5期37-40,共4页 Technological Development of Enterprise
关键词 互联网+ 众包 任务定价 最优化 Internet crow dsurcing task pricing optimization
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