
内隐人格理论与道歉方式对信任修复效果的影响 被引量:1

The Effect of Implicit Theories of Personality and Strategies of Apology on Trust Repair
摘要 已有关于信任修复的研究多从违背方角度分析信任修复努力与修复效果的关系,对信任方特质的关注相对较少,更少有研究采取双向视角考察信任修复的影响因素。本研究立足于企业员工违约跳槽的信任违背情景,以383名大学生为被试,采取2(信任方内隐人格理论:实体论vs.渐变论)×2(违背方道歉方式:内归因vs.外归因)的被试间设计,通过角色扮演法,考察了信任方的内隐人格理论和信任违背方的道歉方式如何共同影响信任修复效果。结果显示:相对于外归因的道歉方式,内归因的道歉方式的修复效果更好,且这在当信任方是实体论者时更突出。本研究结果支持了信任修复效果的跨文化差异,对丰富信任修复的理论研究和实践都有一定启发意义。 Previous research on trust repair primarily focused on how different types of violations and repair efforts influence trust recovery from transgressors’ perspective. Yet few research examined the characteristics of trustors, no mention from the dual perspectives( i. e.,both the perspectives of transgressor and of trustor). T his study aimed at the trust violation caused by an employee’job-hopping which has broken his promise. We selected 383 undergraduates as participants and adopted a 2( trustor ’ s implicit theories of personality: entityvs. incremental theorist) × 2( transgressor’ s strategies of apology: internal vs.external attribution) betw een-subject experimental design in order to examine how the trustor’ s implicit theories of personality and transgressors’ strategies ofapology influence the trust recovery. The findings showed that the apology of internal attribution was more effective to repair trust than that of external attribution and that this effect was much more significant when the trust was an entity theorist,relative to an incremental theorist. The findings supported the cultural differences in trust repair and shed implications on both theoretical research and practices on trust repair.
出处 《中国社会心理学评论》 CSSCI 2018年第1期139-150,180-181,共12页 Chinese Social Psychological Review
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目(12&ZD218) 国家社会科学基金重点项目(12ASH006) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2017ECNU-YYJ051)的资助
关键词 信任修复 内隐人格理论 道歉 trust repair implicit theories of personality apology
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